Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Aspergers Wins In New York Times Best Seller About "Doomsday Machine"

One can find autism muses in the strangest of places. In a recent attempt to think about something besides autism, I picked up a book at the Barnes and Nobel close by Mayo in Rochester, MN. It is a book about the biggest calamity in recent economic history, and some wonderfully quirky characters; the mighty few who saw through the exuberance of the housing market, and figured out how to make big money through insuring the defaults that every big name institution on Wall Street experienced not so long ago.Irony of all ironies is that the book I resolved to read in order to think of something besides autism was a big time fail - if I was getting it to forget about autism! Mind-blowing is the fact that an Aspergers individual was the first to figure out how to use the existing rules in the markets, to be able to insure what he was positive would default; and that was anything involved with subprime mortgage lending. Only the book itself will serve to explain completely.The book'
s author, Michael Lewis, tells the story supremely and actually makes you feel like you and he are in the same room. I found myself blurting out some serious laughter in between being a big put off because the investing paradigms that so many put their trust in prove alarmingly false. While he pens a subject that has challenges with regard to who might comprehend, I believe he broke some kind of barrier because even I understood.The Big Short, Inside The Doomsday Machine introduces the unofficially, latently labeled, self-professed Aspergers Syndrome, Michael Burry, in a way that lends to intrigue for those who know the signs of high functioning autism. Before the book identified it, I knew Michael was Aspergers from descriptions of the experiences that led him to be the only person in the world to at first identify the problems of the housing market, and then actually figure out how to create an almost monopoly from it. Meaning, I thought of how my brother always would mani
pulate the rules of monopoly to win against me, but Michael did a humongous real life version against some significant Wall Street players.Michael Burry identified that bad incentives were going to lead to a collapse of the housing market and found a way to make lemonade, even as he would not be described as an optimist. He is simply a logical realist who saw something that nobody else bothered to even wonder about or look into. The author of The Big Short... feels that "Greed on Wall Street is almost a given - almost an obligation. The problem was the system of incentives that channeled the greed".I recommend this book because it needs to become a movie that will not be near as great as the actual book itself! Ha. One will come away learning a bit about how the different folks in the world have advantage in many ways, even if they do have a glass eye or want to rip your eyeballs out. (You have to read the book to understand.)

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