Thursday, September 6, 2012

Book Review - How to Keep Your Faith in an Upside-Down World by Sarah Bowling

Compelling, Convicting, RevolutionaryIgnited with a passion for becoming a world changer Sarah Bowling shares her vision in "How To Keep Your Faith in an Upside-Down World."Sarah draws lessons from examples of modern day heroes who demonstrate the impact one person can have on the world around them to illustrate her message. She also includes biographical sketches from contemporary industry leaders, as well as personal stories from the field of sports and entertainment. These are testimonies of men and women that have gone the extra mile to change their own personal sphere of influence.Mother Teresa is an example of a modern day heroine who has influenced the world by serving the poor in Calcutta India. Bowling shares stories of others from all walks of life, including those men and women in politics and religion who have been a positive influence and have revolutionized their world and beyond.Sarah has used the Bible as a source for inspiration and examples. She describes ho
w the apostle Paul revolutionized the cities he visited at all levels of life, social, religious, economics, and political, bringing about dramatic change as large segments of the population made decisions to become followers of Christ.I personally appreciated the way Sarah made the scriptures relevant for today's Christian living in a world often seemingly out of control.Sarah challenges the reader to recognize that each of us are created with the potential of turning the world upside down. "How To Keep Your Faith in an Upside-Down World" is compelling, convicting, and revolutionary.978-0768426632, Destiny Image

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