Thursday, September 6, 2012

Book Review - Rules For Renegades By Christine Comaford-Lynch

If you are an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur, you need to read this book. Regardless of how successful you are, you will find tools, resources and insights that will help you improve in your business, career and personal life.The most important insight the author offers is that you needn't be intimidated by a lack of specific credentials to do a job, start a business, expand a business, add a business, get a promotion or get more or better customers/clients. More than having a particular university degree or credential, you need to have know-how and you need to "get stuff done." She proves that in no uncertain terms by having done all the things she advises. She's a terrific model of good sense and of learning from experience; and she certainly has gotten lots of stuff done.She shares the essential aspects of developing both her business and personal lives in specific detail. In fact, she shares so much that it is very like reading a personal journal (an interesting one.) An
d her critical thinking about her experiences is spot on. Her analyses sound as if she worked them out with a psychologist, but they appear to actually be her own. Showing again that you don't have to have a Ph.D. to understand the meaning of your experience and know how to apply your understanding to make your life better.Another excellent point the author makes is her clarification of the concept "everything is an illusion." She helps you understand that whatever you think you know, whatever you think something means, whatever you think something is, it is merely an interpretation based on your past learning. Notice that she says "illusion," not "hallucination." It's real. It's just not exactly what you think it is. It doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means. If you read what she has to say, and explore that particular line of reasoning further, you will be able to rid yourself of many pre-conceptions and false rules that block you from doing things you'd like to
do, but at the moment think you cannot. Then you will be able to form new conceptions that may allow you to do much more than you may have ever thought possible. Comaford-Lynch shows you how that applies to doing business.The author expands upon the well-established concept that profit is made from solving problems. She helps you more accurately identify what problems are likely to be most profitable for you to solve. She also provides valuable insights into the importance of and methods for networking; the need and the how-to of building your own power; the ability to deal with rejection; and the necessity of letting go of the need to control every little nit-picking detail.The book is a quick read because Comaford-Lynch knows how to cover a subject well but succinctly. However, it won't leave you craving more, because she connects every chapter to further useful (and free) resources she provides on her website. The number of extras you'll find there is quite generous. Go t
o for more information.

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