Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Essential Business Intelligence: A Review of 'Practical Mental Influence'

William W Atkinson was a lawyer who as a recognised expert in methods of exerting mental influence on others, wrote approximately 30 books in the genre. He did all this work in the first quarter of the 20th century. He passed away in 1932.In Practical Mental Influence he opens by saying that thought is transmitted in the form of vibrations which send signals through the air to be received by those whose minds are appropriately tuned.Atkinson presents convincing arguments to the effect that these vibrations are variable frequency waves which are analogous to those which we know today as being essential to the transmittal of wireless communications.As a matter of business intelligence, wireless technology is fully understood and exploited. Although the signal waves cannot be seen by the naked eye, scientific instrumentation can clearly show their existence. I am firmly convinced, as I am sure was Atkinson, that one day instruments will be developed to similarly demonstrate the
existence of thought waves.If this does become reality it will affect virtually everyone on the planet. No secrets will be safe; politicians will not be able to deceive us or each other; relationships will need to be based on trust and truth and integrity in business dealings will need to be observed. Logically we should all prepare for this future reality by becoming conversant with all that is presently known about thought waves. This book imparts some basic information on the subject.Atkinson devotes space in his book to such facets as mental induction and personal magnetism; to mental influence between people in close proximity to each other; to influence at a distance and to the possibility of influencing the physically remote masses.Even today with practise in the arts of mental imaging and concentration etc., it is possible to benefit from the use of mental influence.For example the start of the twenty-first century has seen severe global economic downturn. Businesses
are going under and energy costs and other overheads are making life very stressful for everyone but herein lies opportunity.Jobs are scarce and what posts are available are usually the subject of fierce competition. Imagine having the power to mentally influence members of the panel which is interviewing you; a competitive advantage or what? Similarly a businessman could use this skill when involved in face to face contract negotiations.Admittedly Atkinson must have seen that there was a long way to go to reach anywhere near a finished article but it crosses my mind that the study of thought waves should be grasped NOW by all the young aspiring entrepreneurs of tomorrow. They have time on their side and by keeping up to date with developments in the field they will be in the vanguard when all the unknowns are finally in place.Today we are benefiting from new inventions and discoveries which we see as indispensable to modern living. A hundred or two years ago they may well
have been considered impossible or based on pure fantasy. Since radio waves could not be seen this technology must have been the subject of much hilarity and head shaking, but from dreams came a major reality without which businesses, or anything else for that matter, could hardly be expected to operate today. No television? Unthinkable!William W Atkinson's writings should be taken very seriously and before the twenty-first century has run its course he may well have attained 'household name' status.

View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/essential-business-intelligence-a-review-of-practical-mental-influence.html

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