Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Conan the Cimmerian #20

The feelings of dread and foreboding permeate this issue like a foul stink. Conan is still a whimpering sick mess, lost in hallucinatory madness. Olivia (the damsel in distress) has now been "broken" by the wicked Shah Amurath, and Conan still does not know of her. BUT, if I know anything about the Conan universe, I know that he is going to rescue her and beat the sick mustache off Amurath's face. The Free Companions of the Sword find some evil rivals in the south, where they have been plundering unabashed for weeks. These rivals sell them down the river to the Shah and bring the combined armies of Amurath down on Conan's army. But Conan is no fool...The Cimmerian senses the trap, and quickly routes the forces of Amurath. This causes great embarrassment to the Shah, and also puts him in danger with his lord. In this victory, he does not conquer the Shah, he merely rouses his anger. Amurath returns with legions of men to put down the Cimmerian's army, and he does so successf
ully. One of Conan's lieutenants, a Hyrkanian, is captured by the Shah's men and they brutally torture him to find Conan's places of retreat. It was seriously disturbing to read (no where near the severity of Walking Dead though).In the end, we watch Conan drag himself through the muck of the swamp and see the ghost his fallen lieutenant visit him. I can't wait to see what he has to say! I bet he's pretty angry....

View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/conan-the-cimmerian-20.html

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