Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Joel Osteen Review

Joel Osteen has become one of the most popular preachers around today. I admit when I first saw him on television, I thought he seemed a little strange. He was always smiling, had a positive attitude and talked about gratitude a lot.One night, when I was up late watching TV, he got my attention while talking about changing how we think in order to attract good things in our lives. I realized that night how many times I had judged this man on being "too happy," which if you think about it, is what negative people do when they encounter a happy, positive person. Yes, I was most certainly a negative girl, living as a victim and focused on being sad and angry a lot of the time.So, this guy was telling me that I was creating my own depressed, negative world by how I think and act? That I have the ability to change my reality for the better? I started making a real effort to be aware of what I was thinking about during the day, to help myself stay positive. I'm not saying it's easy
by any means, but it gets easier with time. Now, I can handle bad situations much better and feel more in control over my emotions.Joel Osteen is a very motivating writer and speaker. He helps remind us about the importance of being hopeful and deserving of happiness and joy. I find him to be helpful in teaching about simple, honest ways we can improve our lives, instead of giving into despair, worry and stress.As part of my on going effort to be a happy and positive person, Joel Osteen's message has helped keep me on track.

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