Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hell - Is it Real Or Fiction?

I read a book recently called "Safely Home" by Randy Alcorn. The books description of Hell terrified me. It troubled me so much that after I read it I called my daughter and reminded her of the gospel I shared with her many times before. I said Danielle, sweetie I am concerned for you and your salvation. I described what Hell will be like but she took it lightly and said what most unbelievers say. "If God is such a good God than why would He send anyone to Hell?"That response is a good one. If God is so gracious and good, why would He send anyone to Hell? Hell was made for the devil and his demons. People weren't made to go to Hell. Their bodies weren't made to withstand the punishment of Hell. God said that believers when they die will be given glorified bodies to withstand Heaven. The same is true for the people who are headed to Hell. They too, will have glorified bodies to withstand the eternal furnace of Hell.God does not want any man to perish. That is why He's taking s
o long to come and gather His church. He is trying to save as many people as He can and we too are supposed to be disciples for Christ and reach as many people as we can to share the good news which is the gospel. My heart aches for the lost people of the world. I wish I could shake them and warn them to get it! That's just it, they don't get it. They don't believe in Hell and they don't believe that that's where they're headed.The greatest sin a man can have is to turn his back on Christ. It's not murder, rape, torture or any of those hideous crimes. It's when a man hears the gospel and rejects it and turns his back on Jesus as if to say, "you are not God and if you are, then I don't want anything to do with you." That's the greatest sin of all. A murderer can repent of his sin and be saved but a man who hears the gospel and rejects it, he rejects Jesus Christ. He rejects the cross, he rejects that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and he rejects that he is headed to Hel
l.My brother in law doesn't understand how God could send His only son to die for us. He thinks that's cruel and unheard of. The thing that Craig, my brother in law doesn't understand is that God who loves His people needed some way to deal with the sin issue so He actually took it out on His self, since Jesus Christ is God. Jesus came down to earth to save people from eternal damnation. What a glorious gift! Why would anyone in their right mind reject that? It's called insanity.Hell is real folks. It's as real as the earth we live in. Please take note of that and take Jesus' word to heart and take His free gift of salvation. If you don't, you're headed to a very dark and scary place where there is no relief in sight. Jesus said it was for eternity where you wish you could die just to get relief but you won't die because Hell like Heaven is Eternal. Hell is a place of unrelieved torment and horrible misery.People let's pray for the unsaved in our midst. Let's pray like we've
never prayed before. Hell is real and I would hate to see anyone go there. God warned us many times in the Bible. He talked more about Hell than he talked about love. This is serious stuff coming from our Father in Heaven. We need to take heed and do what we can for the unsaved people in this world.

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