Wednesday, September 5, 2012

When Should a Series End? Re-Dark Series by Christine Feehan

I have been a fan of Christine Feehans' Dark series since the beginning. When they first came out there wasn't many paranormal romances around. Dark Prince was my first and I loved it. I read and re-read it over and over again.I'm not sure if the series has ran it's course for me or I'm just not liking these what I call the kick-ass heroine that seem to be cropping up. (I think it's the later). I do like a heroine that can hold her own but this is getting ridiculous! To tell the truth I haven't enjoyed this series as much since Dark Demon. Couldn't get through that book.The latest novel Dark Slayer, is like a complete role reversal. I'll be honest and say that I couldn't finish it. Which is why I'm not doing a full review on the book. I just couldn't read it anymore, I went back to a re-read of another book instead. I'll take a re-read of a favorite book any day to trying to get through something I'm not enjoying. I tried, took me days to get to chapter 10 before I gave it up
. Usually I can read a Christine Feehan book in one sitting.She has a few series going on now and I enjoy those. I thoroughly enjoyed Burning Wild that was released earlier this year, best book she has written in awhile. But then I do love those ALPHA, alpha males.So how long should a romance series go on for? Twenty books and still going. Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter books feel to be going the same way for me as well.They are just not what they used to be. It makes me feel like when a TV show has had too long a run, I always thought they should of ended Stargate SG1 at season 6 after Full Circle.Oh well, neither author has shown signs of winding them up so they must be selling. In fact I was surprised by how many rave reviews for Dark Slayer I have seen, since I can't finish the book myself, so I may be in the minority there.

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