Friday, January 20, 2017

Computers problem solved

1. Computer shuts down randomly
Okay number three, laptop  Dell Inspiron 1526 for examle, shuts down randomly. Now this is a common symptom of a laptop overheating. So let's make sure it's not an overheating problem and how do we do that? Well, what I do is I take a can of compressed air and I blow it in the laptop, in the bottom where the fan is and also in the heat sink, on the side of the computer. If you do this you might see clouds of dust come out and that's a good thing that you want to make sure you get all the chunks out of the laptop, Dell Inspiron 2500 Series  before you turned it back on, because those chunks of dust that might still be stuck in there, might cause the fan blades to actually stick. I go over this in the case study videos several of them. Watch how I do that there and you can see in action you know cleaning out laptop, getting old dust out of it. Now, once you get the dust out of a laptop and you're sure that the fan is spinning and the airways are clean, if the computer keeps shutting down after this, you can be very sure that's not the CPU overheating that's causing the problem but the problem with the motherboard. I had systems where I opened them up I make sure all the airways were clean, I make sure that the heat sink was making a good connection with the processor, put it all back together and the computer still power down. It turned out it was a bad motherboard
2. Computer acts abnormally
Okay number 4, the computer or the laptop acts abnormally. Dell Inspiron 3800,It blue screens, things aren't working the way they're suppose to, it doesn't boot up every time, it doesn't boot up at all sometimes. Now, first I want to make sure it's not Windows that causing a problem. So again we're not going to deal to much for the software sides to do all your Windows fixes and make sure Windows isn't causing the problem or like I said before, just run knoppix which is a good Linux distribution, the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows which is also great and then you'll know Windows isn't the thing that's causing the problem then. If you're still having problems with the computer acting abnormally, start taking out components one by one. Take the hard drive out, you could do that if you're running it from a live Linux distribution. Take the ram out, replace the ram maybe with the stick around that you know is good that you have around in the shop, take the wireless card out take the CD drive out. Start taking components out one by one and get the motherboard down to basics like CPU, one stick of ram, motherboard and power, and hook up the screen, and just make sure that it goes on. But break it down to basics so you're sure that it's not a component that's causing the problem. So once you have it of broken down to basics and you're sure windows isn't causing the problem, then it's probably a bad motherboard. Okay it's a bad motherboard. Now, you need to buy a motherboard. Where do I buy my motherboards? you guessed it, on eBay. Oh I love buying on eBay coz you got a great selection. You go buy from multiple sellers, usually you get the best price. Now, the way to search on eBay for motherboard is first try to get the model no. of the motherboard itself. If you can, if you have access to the motherboard you're already took the computer apart, get the model of the motherboard and research for that motherboard. If you're not at that point, then you still need to order the motherboard. You could type in the model no. of the computer you got the motherboard out of it and do a search that way. Like let's say, if it's a Dell Inspiron 6000 , just type on eBay  Inspiron 6000  motherboard and do a search like that. The problem with doing a search like that though is, for example, HP's have like a DV6000 model but there's actually like a hundred different sub models in the DV6000 series and some of them have different motherboards than each other. Like say, there's a DV6310US or DV6425 so that's when you have a computer like that it's a little dangerous to search for a motherboard just by model no. of the computer alone. I've got burn on that many times myself and so it's best just to pull the motherboard out and look on the motherboard and get the model of the motherboard and do a search to buy one using the model no. of the motherboard
Now, that leads to the next question how do you get the motherboard out? Well, that's what all the case study videos show you. A lot of them bringing the laptop down the motherboard level when we're doing a repair, but before you watch the case study videos make sure you watch the video on how to take a laptop apart? Get the basics, then watch the case study videos and then you got attempt it yourself.
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