Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Review For "Sex With Kings"

Herman takes her readers on a delightful romp through history and gives us a taste of what its like to have sex with kings. Masterfully written and easy to read, history comes alive in ways the reader doesn't expect.Herman takes a look at some of history's most famous kings: France's Charles VII, Francois I, Henri II, Louis XIV and Louis XV. She also gives us a peek into English kings as well, including Edward III, Henry VIII, Charles II, and even Prince Charles.Sex with kings was an art and no one was more skilled than the royal mistresses. Herman points out that the kings usually gave their hearts to their mistresses - their wives were very rarely treated with the same affection. Louis XIV fell in love with his last mistress, Madame de Maintenon while she was serving as a governess to the children he had with his second mistress, Madame de Montespan. While he did have affection for his wife, it wasn't the grand passion he reserved for his mistresses.There was a lot to consi
der if one was going to have sex with a king. The first consideration was the fine art of giving him pleasure. The mistress had to appeal to his sensual side. Very rarely were their wives chosen for their sensuality. Henri II of France clearly preferred Diane de Poitiers over his wife, Catherine de Medici. After nine years of marriage, Henri had yet to have a child by his wife because he spent so much time with Diane. An agreement was worked out were Diane would work Henri up and then she'd send him to Catherine to finish the job.Mistresses had appearances to keep. Generally, they didn't scold or throw fits. They were always in a good mood - even if they weren't. They never frowned. They had to enjoy the king's hobbies, even if they didn't. After all, the benefits outweighed the discomfort.Mistresses were usually paid well. The king provided everything she needed or wanted - and he usually took care of the bastard children. Herman points out the children the king usually had
with his mistresses were healthy and thrived. The children with his wife were usually sicker. This was due to the fact the royal bloodlines were intermingled. Marie-Theresa, Louis XIV's wife, was a sickly woman and short in stature due to her family's in-breeding. Out of their six sons, only one grew to adulthood, and he resembled his mother in her dull, unattractive looks.Mistresses were provided with jewels, apartments, real estate, and titles. Most of them knew better than to engage in political intrigue with the king, but some tried. Diane de Poitiers almost ran the government for Henri II, but his grandson, Louis XIV, didn't care for his mistresses to be active in his political life.The book ends with Herman taking a look at modern day mistresses, Wallis Simpson and Camilla Parker-Bowles. While times change, the allure of having a mistress does not.Herman's writing is brisk and sharp. Her anecdotes about the various kings throughout history are interesting. The book in
cludes several color portraits of various royal mistresses and a reader's guide to help sate the reader who demands more. "Sex with Kings," is a book that is hard to put down."Sex with Kings"Written by: Eleanor HermanHarper Collins PublishersISBN: 978-0-06-058544-0$13.955 Stars

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Madame Bovary's Daughter by Linda Urbach: A Review

What a fabulous idea for a book! What happened to the ignored, orphaned daughter after her adulterous mother, Madame Bovary, committed suicide? Madame Bovary's Daughter: A Novel of Fashion and Fortune is the story of a daughter determined to distance herself from her infamous mother. Berthe remembers every rosette and bow on her mother's gowns, but no kind words or affection. She carries a photograph of her mother in a gorgeous white tulle gown from place to place, noticing how the seams are placed, how the crystals are attached--a harbinger of better times. Her journey from peasantry to grand society ensues by turns of good luck and her own pluck.After her father's death, Berthe lives with her reticent grandmother. She milks the cow, forklifts hay and is made to replace the maid. Berthe yearns to put the peasant life behind. She dreams of owning a beautiful home with marble staircases, satin cushions, dancing guests and rooms filled with gorgeous gowns. Her mother had insti
lled in her a love of fine fashion, romantic stories, and luxury. Most importantly, she desires "what her mother never had: the love of someone she loved in return." Berthe's grandmother dies when she is thirteen. With no resources or family to turn to, she finds work in a cotton mill.Beautiful Berthe's fortune is changed when she is hired as a lady's maid in a Paris home. She manages to survive in a home where consenting and non-consenting sex abounds. The household is passionate about couture. Despite her lack of experience, she perfects her sewing skills and studies the latest fashions. So begins her training for what ultimately will bring her the most joy.Urbach writes a complex heroine who vows to transcend the mistakes her mother made and claim a happy life. Berthe is deceptive along the way and makes some decisions that will make you cringe. She bears much unfairness and misfortune. Although a complex and fascinating character, she is certainly not a squeaky-clean her
oine. Urbach tends to overuse the technique of telling us about Berthe by comments from other characters. Assumptions of Berthe's expertise flow frequently from people she encounters. We are left to wonder if she knows her own strengths or merely deduces them from their opinions. Finally, Berthe finds herself and seizes her passion. She takes the reins of her journey and discovers that a passionate life can be a life well lived.Established author and screenplay writer Linda Urbach Howard founded Momoirs, writing workshops for and about mothers. Madame Bovary's Daughter is her third novel. She is currently working on a new book, Sarah's Hair, the story of Sarah Bernhardt's hairdresser.The author uses much period detail about weaving factories. Interlaced with the plot are vivid descriptions of Victorian women's apparel. Each gown is easily pictured from the details the author deftly provides. The information about fashion design and the beginnings of retail clothing stores is
fascinating.Madame Bovary's Daughter is great fodder for books groups whose interest in the classics is surging. Urbach weaves memories of Berthe's childhood into the book so a reading of Madame Bovary is not necessary. Reading the French classic, however, will enhance your appreciation of the new release. Comparisons of the two will percolate discussion. An author's interview and questions for book groups are provided.Random House graciously supplied the review copy. All opinions expressed are unbiased and wholly those of the reviewer.Reviewed by Holly Weiss, author of Crestmont

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What Small Businesses Can Learn From "The New Rules of Marketing and PR"

Learning to play by new rules is never easy, but the rewards have never been greater for small businesses that adapt to The New Rules of Marketing and PR. In his 2007 best-seller, David Meerman Scott demonstrates how the Internet has dramatically disrupted the marketing and PR of the past -- forcing companies and organizations to change.Before the Internet, small businesses rarely had enough money to compete against the big players because of the high cost of advertising and the exclusivity of what was considered news. But all that has changed."Marketing is more than just advertising," Scott writes. "PR is for more than just a mainstream media audience."One important new rule Scott shares is that businesses no longer have to wait for a reporter to tell their story. Now you can tell your own story.With such catch phrases as "You are what you publish," and "think like a publisher," Scott encourages all businesses and organizations of any size to get into the heads of their buye
rs and create content that focuses on them, not your company. Instead of telling buyers how good your products are, research their needs and replace self-serving promotional material with information that speaks directly to their problems and needs.Scott encourages companies and organizations to embrace the new richness of the web which includes everything from blogs and Podcasts to wikis and squidoo lenses. In other words, pick the media that are right for your business or organization, and use them in creative ways to take your messages to the world.As critics have been quick to argue, Scott's ideas are not entirely new. The Internet is evolving, and with it many new ways for small businesses to interact with their prospective customers. But Scott was one of the first to truly articulate the demise of the old rules - while showing how to use marketing and public relations in entirely new ways. He did it so well that his book was the most requested marketing book at Amazon.
com in 2007.He was correct in assessing that the old "one-way interruption marketing" has given way to a strategy of reaching many previously under-served audiences right at the time of need with micro sites that speak directly to them. Yet that is a message that many small businesses have not yet heard.Where "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" shines is in its use of real-world examples that illustrate Scott's rules. It is not an e-book with links to related sites, but Scott includes the internet addresses for the examples he mentions, making it easy for you to learn from them. If you are trying to determine how to fill your website and email newsletters with content that will make your visitors keep coming back, you will want to visit the websites he refers to in this book.We all are struggling to adapt to media that is changing at the speed of a locomotive. It is easy to get lost in the new media. Scott reminds us to maintain our focus on what really matters as we wade th
rough this sea of change."PR is not about your boss seeing your company on TV," Scott says. "Marketing is not about your agency winning awards. . . It's about your buyers seeing your company on the web and . . . your organization winning business."These are especially important insights to keep in mind as you plan your strategies for the New Year. As Scott explains, "People want authenticity, not spin. They want participation not propaganda," and it is our challenge to determine how we can best create a world on our websites that is inclusive and focuses first on the people we are trying to serve.Although Scott's rules apply to businesses of any size, much of the book and many of the examples seem corporate. But small business owners that take the time to read The New Rules of Marketing and PR should be rewarded with ideas you can use to promote your company on the Internet.David Meerman Scott, The New Rules of Marketing & PR How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting,
Viral Marketing & Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey. ©2007.

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Where Money Is Hiding

If there is one problem plaguing a lot of people in Nigeria and beyond today, it is lack of money. This is occasioned by lack of knowledge of where and how to actually get it. Therefore, publication of this text entitled "Where Money is Hiding", written by Reverend Elekima Ekine, Resident Pastor of Christ Chapel International Churches, Ashi, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria is timely. Ekine is an authority on application of biblical principles to financial management.He says without money, destinies will remain unfulfilled. This author asserts that until you overcome the compromise of money, you will not be released into the fullness that God has for you. Ekine says we all need money to be relevant and make meaningful impact in life, hence the need to discuss money. He discloses that people have different perspectives about sources of getting money and how to attract wealth.Ekine therefore quotes Isaiah 45:3 thus: "... And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden rich
es of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." This author submits that this implies that money is hidden in secret and unexpected places and therefore the purpose of this book is to help you discover where money is hiding by employing practical applications.As regards structure, this text is segmented into 11 chapters. Chapter one is entitled "Money is hiding in relationships". In the words of Ekine here, "The first clue to money's hiding place is our definition: A neutral instrument of exchange agreed to by any two people. I want you to take note of the phrase, 'agreed to by any two people'. When you begin to talk about agreement between two or more people you are talking about relationship."He quotes this Chinese proverb to amplify his point: "If you want one year of prosperity, grow grains; if you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees; but if you want one hundred years of prosperity then grow people." T
his author adds that the amount of money you have within your reach is not defined by what is in your bank account but the network of relationships you have built. He predicates this assertion on the fact that if you need money but lack the network of relationships that can assist you get it, then, you may not be able to meet your financial needs.Chapter two is based on the subject matter of money hiding in needs, problems and desires. Here, this author says money is hiding in people because where people are, there are needs, problems and desires. He expatiates that where there are needs, problems and desires, there is no shortage of opportunities to make money as money comes when you can find solutions to identified problems. Ekine educates that we have telephone today because its idea came from a man who wanted to offer solution to the needs of his sister who had a hearing problem. The man made something like a hearing aid and this eventually evolved into the telephone we
have today. This author differentiates between people's problems and needs. According to him, "For instance, someone's toothache is the dentist's opportunity of locating money. That is not a need, but a problem. All you need to do is identify problems around you, find solutions to them and let people know you have answer to their problems."He educates that the next thing to problems and needs is desire. Ekine asserts that desires are not necessarily needs and they may or may not be problems. This author says, "For instance, to travel on a plane, you do not have to go first class, therefore going first class is a desire to make a statement. Therefore people pay more for their desires. In other words, there is more money in answering to people's desires than there is in meeting needs... If you want to locate more money than you have been doing in meeting people's needs and solving their problems, then begin to answer to people's desires."Chapter three is christened "Money is i
deas". Here, Ekine educates that to be able to locate money in people's problems, needs and desires, you need ideas. Ideas, according to this author, turn problems, needs and desires into moneymaking opportunities. "This is why it is said that people with ideas rule the world...Money lives in ideas," explains this author.In chapters four to seven, Ekine analytically X-rays concepts such as money is hiding in vision; money is hiding in work; money is hiding in abilities and money is hiding in waste.Chapter eight focuses on the issue of money hiding in time. Ekine says money is hiding in time and the amount of time you locate in time depends on the amount of time within your control. He educates that whoever controls your time controls how much money you make.In chapters nine to 11, Ekine beams his intellectual searchlight on the concepts of money hiding in its seed, money hiding in your employees and money hiding in God.Stylistically, this text is on the high rung of the ladd
er. For instance, the language is simple and the subject matter presentation very didactic. These are expected, given the background of the author as a pastor who knows the importance of simplicity of language and detailed illustrations to effective communication and understanding. Ekine generously employs biblical allusions to achieve conceptual reinforcement and lend credibility to its overall subject matter. This author deliberately repeats the main clause "Money is hiding", in all the 11 chapters, as a constant reminder of the answers to the suspense and anticipation created by the title of the book.What's more, the title of the text conjures an image and personifies money as if it were a human being that could hide. The cover design of the text radiates high aesthetic appeal and the (inner) layout very eye-friendly. Ekine employs graphical embroidery to achieve visual reinforcement of readers' understanding. He includes Golden Nuggets section at the end of each chapter
to offer major points to readers. It is said in textual criticism that there is no book that is perfect. This text is also not an exception. On page xiv, "...different perspective" is used instead of "...different perspectives". Another minor punctuation error is "... peoples' problems" (page 43), instead of people's problems".Generally, this work of high intellectual creativity is a reservoir of rare financial knowledge as it conveys interface between biblical principles and financial education. It is a must-read and the tips must-apply for anybody that is prepared to be free from the shackles of financial lack. It is revealing.

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How to Get Free Kindle Books

Amazon has blown open the digital book world by introducing their Kindle book lending program. If you were looking for a way to reduce your reading budget you just may have found it. The program has lots of features and you do not even have to have a Kindle book reader to participate. The Kindle works on phones such as the I-phone, Blackberry and all Android devices. You have to use those phones Kindle App which is free to read your material. If you have a Kindle, of course you can use that. You can also use a personal computer, an I-pad or a Mac.RulesThere are a couple of rules concerning the lending program:You will not be able to read the book that you lend to someone else during the loan period
Only eligible books can be loaned. Eligibility is determined by the author, not Amazon.
You can loan out books for 14 days.
To find out if a book is "lendable" you can look in the product description of that book on Amazon, and it will say "lending enabled" under the ASIN number.
If you have a bunch of books on your kindle already, you can go to Manage your Kindle (online) and click the "+" button next to the title. If the book is loanable, you will see it noted there.
All you need to know is the name and email address of the person you are lending it too.It is so socialNot only do you get to really take advantage of borrowing books, you can make friends in the process. Kindle users are really getting creative in their quest for finding inexpensive literature by finding other users on Facebook. Looking under the groups section you can find a growing resource of people listing what they are looking for or even the titles and authors of books. You can build a relationship that can last a long time and really save some serious cash. If you love to read, and peel through a lot of books in a week, this can be a very good savings.It is an easy system.Because Amazon manages the system they make it easy to loan out books. Even if you do not know the person you are loaning it too, it is very safe and pretty much idiot proof. When the reader is done with the book, you get it back. That process is done automatically by Amazon. If they finish it early,
you also can get it back early. If you send out an invitation to loan your book, and they do not answer your email, you keep the book in your account, no harm, no foul. Even if you loan out hundreds of books you will not have to keep a list or try to remember who has what title, Amazon does it all for you.Get BusyThere really is no better time for you to go out and expand your horizons. When books are free a whole new realm opens up for the reader. You can try new titles, authors and genres without having to spend any money. It's kind of like an extended test drive of a new car without paying for it.Self PublishersA lot of people are enjoying the benefits of publishing their own work and increasing their readership. Most authors (not all) self publish because it is cheaper than going through traditional venues of publishing. Did you know you can sell your own work on Amazon? Well if someone buys that book, they can also share it and those new readers are potential customers
down the road. If you have been thinking about dusting off that E book you wrote, there is no better time than now.

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Who Is Jesus Christ For Us Today? A Response

I found Dr. Cone's book to be stimulating reading. His strong feelings were evident and I applaud his courage to criticize those theologians who are insensitive and indifferent to the subjectivity of Black Theology.Overall, I agree with most of Cone's theology. We do part company however at certain intersections.I am not convinced that Cone's unilateral approach is necessarily a good one. I sense something important is missing though I admit I am not at all sure what it is. But certainly, his universalism is so overshadowed with particularity that the casual reader may hastily assume that Cone's theology does not include a universal view.I realize that Dr. Cone's approach to theology is from a black perspective. I can surely identify with that. Yet, I question if his identifying Jesus as black is not tantamount to making Jesus in "our image." He stated that he was not referring so much to "color" as he was to Jesus' oneness with the black experience. But doesn't Jesus also ha
ve an "oneness" with the Red experience or the Yellow experience?Because I believe that if blacks were absent from the world, oppression and injustice would still exist, I think any approach to theology must be all inclusive. Theology needs both poles of objectivity and subjectivity.Yes, Jesus becomes black for the Blacks, but He also becomes brown for the Browns, and white for the Whites who experience the pain of an unjust and unfair social order. I believe that whatever color oppression and injustice is focused on or against, that is the color Jesus becomes to help them struggle vehemently against it.Jesus' Jewishness does not, in my understanding, negate or preclude His universalism. After all, His ability to liberate folks from various diseases and states of being was not limited to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel," but was inclusive of all believers. Since Jesus was not only Jew but divine as well, I am not sure that Jewishness plus divineness equals "particular
ity." It seems to me that Jesus was particular and yet more than - universal; he was human and yet more than human - divine.

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How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Reviewed

This book is for the man who is going through a nasty breakup and wants to get his ex girlfriend back. In many cases, it is only after a breakup that the man realizes how much he loves his ex girlfriend. If that is the case for you too, you must do what it takes to win back the love, because true love is something you can't buy with all the money in the world.You begin to understand the importance of the other person in your life only when she is away from you. But breaking up doesn't mean the relationship has ended for ever. So many couples have got back together, you hear it everywhere, why can't you. winning back your ex-girlfriend is not about ACCIDENTALLY saying the right things at the right time, you may not be that lucky.You have to know what are the "psychological buttons" in women that you must push at the right time. This is what you will read about in How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back. Written by Dr George Karanatasis, the book busts the myths of the traditional w
ays of making up and introduces the shortcut strategy without using dirty tricks.The ebook also comes with a numbers of bonuses, including real life examples of men's relationship repairs and the short report on how to take the ultra short term relationship to the next level. According to the author, harmonizing with women's behavioural patterns and doing "exactly the opposite of what you think you should do" is what it takes to get you back your ex girlfriend in no time.

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Free Book Summary - Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education - Written by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki has one glaring message. The U.S. needs financial education. Right now our education system is broken and nothing is being taught that prepares people for financial freedom. All of Robert's books are good and teach basics about financial education and the need for continuous learning. Rich Dad / Poor Dad is another famous book by this author. We will profile that book in a separate summaryThe Cashflow Quadrant is a very important concept that people need to cement in their memory if they want to get a handle on financial freedom. The quadrant consists of the following:1.) E - Stands for employee 2.) S - Stands for small business or self-employed 3.) B - Stands for big business (500 employees or more) 4.) I - Stands for investorTraditional education prepares us for the E and S quadrant. The mantra has been go to school and then college to hopefully get a good job and save in a 401K for retirement. As many of you know this is not a good model in this day and age
. On a side note, I was very fortunate to grow up with an excellent financial teacher. My father taught the principles that Mr. Kiyosaki teaches in his books Rich Dad / Poor Dad, The Cashflow Quadrant and this book Unfair Advantage. I can also tell you that most people are financially uneducated. Authors like Mr. Kiyosaki as well as Dave Ramsey are really needed and our doing what should be taught in our school system at a national level.Why is this important to me?This can be answered by asking a few more questions. Do you know the difference between good debt and bad debt? Can you define an asset and liability in simple terms?Do you know there are three types of taxes for income?If you are unclear on any of these then you need to read this book. In short form, I will answer all of these questions. Good debt is anything that spits of positive cash flow and increases in value. Thus if you have a debt on a rental house that yields positive monthly cash flow then that is good
debt. If you have credit card debt that you don't pay off each month then that is bad debt. In a nutshell, good debt makes you money and bad debt costs you money. Assets and liabilities! Anything that generates positive cash flow is an asset while anything that costs you money is a liability. Example: A business that generates monthly profit is an asset. Your home is a liability. I know many of you will disagree with this but your home costs you money each month. This is not a bad thing but because you need a place to live but it is a liability.The three types of income include: Ordinary, Portfolio and Passive. We will get into more detail on how these play a role in your financial freedom later in this summary. This book is important to you if you want to be financially free and escape the rat race of running out of money before the end of each month.There are several examples and details outlined in Unfair Advantage but for the sake of time we will cover each in summary.1.
Knowledge - Knowledge put to use equates to power. There are several ways to make money be it in a business, real-estate, stock market, content creation, licensing deals, internet marketing or several other endeavors. The point here is that nothing happens without educating yourself. Warren Buffet the second riches man in the world is known for his constant reading and learning abilities. The premise of Unfair Advantage is with very high financial education, money flows in rather than out. You can pay zero in taxes and earn millions with very low risk by using other people's money in good or bad economics. This creates an extreme unfair advantage.2.Taxes - Taxes are government incentives to get people to do what they want them to do. Thus because businesses create jobs and wealth, they have tax strategies as incentives to keep the economy going. There is one huge premise that people need to understand. I will lay out the difference. When you are an employee, you work, pay yo
ur taxes and then get your money to pay your expenses. When you are a business, you work, pay all your expenses and then pay taxes on what is left. This is totally legal and can boost rates of return legally. Remember one thing - Tax avoidance is prudent while tax evasion means jail time.3.Debt - Good debt creates true wealth by allowing you to use OPM (Other People's Money). This is very powerful and requires discipline. This is one area I wish this book talked about in more detail. Please note that debt used wisely can create leverage and unlimited wealth. To much debt used wrong can create financial ruin. Also, know that 85+% of the U.S. population has too much BAD debt. This is not what we are talking about. This needs to be taken care of as well to truly achieve financial freedom. The use of debt is an advanced strategy and needs to be used wisely which requires financial education.4. Risk - The biggest risk in investing comes from the financially uneducated giving thei
r money to financial planners and hoping things work out. This by far has caused large losses for people. Inflation is running rampant right now even though the government says it is not. This is a bigger risk for savers than taxes. Saving money as an investment is a bad idea because over time the value is eaten away through inflation. 401K's and mutual funds along with diversification are all pitched as NOT risky. This is furthest from the truth. 1. Mutual funds are subject to double taxes as well as fees which eat away at your returns. Also, you are not in control of your money. Note: This does not mean that ALL funds are bad. This is where financial education comes in. Several financial planners will tell their customers to diversify. According to Warren Buffet - "Diversification is a protection against ignorance."5. Compensation - The rich don't work for money. Think about hard work for a moment. If you work overtime then you are trading hours for dollars. The problem be
comes that your marginal tax rate increases as you make more ordinary income. Your overtime is taxed higher as you work more. I am not against hard work. Just make sure you couple it with SMART and RIGHT WORK as well. The rich work to buy assets that create cash flow. Your goal should be to have your money work harder than you do and make you more money as soon as possible.What asset will pay for your liability? This concept was first covered in Rich Dad / Poor Dad. This simple question changes the whole frame of mind and if people followed it then they would be in much better shape financially. This means that if you want a new boat then what asset will pay for the boat? Once you grasp this simple idea then your world will change.I hope you have found this short video summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit. Habits form in as little as 21 days. I highly recommend ingraining the knowledge of compounding in your hea
d. Answer the following correctly and you understand the power of compounding. Would you rather have $1,000,000 cash today or a penny doubled daily for 31 days? You can email me at with your answer.

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Sherry Brescia's 'Great Taste No Pain' Book - Is it True Or False?

There are so many new diet fads promoted today that you no longer know which one to take up and which to discard.The lifestyle of the human being of the 21st Century invites a huge number of ailments mostly owed to inadequate eating habits and lack of physical exercise. In the USA alone you will find more than 70 million people consuming OTC (overt-the-counter) medication for pain related to digestive disorders spending a whopping sum of 42 billion dollars every year; it is almost impossible to imagine the figures representing such statistics worldwide.Sherry Brescia's book does not bring in any new premise. A health insurance researcher by profession, Sherry who spent more than 15 years of her life looking for the right answers for a diet that promotes health and eliminate digestive-related pain, came out with this book that promises you life-changing advice without asking for any drastic change to your lifestyle. In it, you will find the key that closes the door on all dige
stion-related pain forever. Amazing.Is this true?From what we hear, it seems that this system is a huge hit because it over-delivers. In fact, she is so sure about the effectiveness of her diet-system that she offers a free trial of 4 days whereby you could test-drive the program. You will have 13 wonderful breakfast-lunch-dinner recipes that will eliminate all pain just-like-that, overnight. The results and impact is so amazing that most people become instant believers.Sherry Brescia maintains that you need not bend over backwards to adopt new and unpalatable diets in order to stay healthy and fit. All you need to know and do is learn and follow the right combination of foods so your body maintains an alkaline base. The acid creating foods, she says, are at the root of all the troubles related to digestion, and almost always result in lifelong suffering and pain.If you believe the reviews, the book, 'Great Taste No Pain' is just what it says it is - the translation in simpl
e terms of the secret for freedom from stomach related pains. The diet she recommends is surprisingly simple, remarkably tasty and very nutritious; it just could not be better. She explains why you should learn how to combine foods correctly when you prepare a meal. Wrong combinations result in higher acidity and breeding ground for digestive problems; on the other hand, right combination promotes health and completely eliminates pain. There are easy-to-follow charts that will guide at every step.A patient of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) herself, Sherry admits that she knows from her own experience how debilitating stomach ailments could be. Further, her profession had brought her into close contact with thousands of people suffering from various ailments that caused them pain without any hope of retribution.What everybody likes about this book is that it does not curtail you from consuming any type of food. It just explains to you the importance of combining foods correct
ly so you would avoid the creation of excess acidity in the body. It is extremely relieving to find a diet that says you can eat all you want - beef, chicken, pork, venison, turkey, chocolate, vegetables, fruits, you name it - and be healthy; the only change it advises is to combine foods correctly.This is definitely not too big a sacrifice, when you consider that such a diet change could bless you with complete freedom from all digestion-related pains and give you excellent health.For more information please visit

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The Importance of Health, Mind and Body Today

When you walk into a book store or login to an online book shop, you are sure to spot the 'Health, Body and Mind' section listed prominently among others like Fiction and Classics. For quite some time now, this category has been blooming and has attracted a lot of readers from various walks of life. A lot of them have made it to respectable Best - Seller lists around the world and we have seen a handful of them being made into successful movies, even, the latest being the Hollywood movie 'Eat Pray and Love' starring Julia Roberts. So what is it that makes the health, Mind and Body books so appealing to readers?The first reason is the sheer ability of a well written Health, Mind and Body book to connect the reader's mind with his body and his heart, and in a very effective way offer alternative solutions to one's day to day problems. Another reason is that these books provide us with unconventional and fresh methods of being at peace with ourselves, attaining spirituality and
consciousness to help keep our mind, body and soul in perfect harmony. Needless to say, we are all caught up in various troubles of the modern world, day to day stress regarding our work, relationships and even health. We are all busy multitasking, balancing various acts at one time and hence, there is little or no time left for our own self, for introspection and for an honest self searching. Over the time, we learn to or get accustomed to ignore any such need because it isn't really an issue in the beginning, right? So we keep doing it - and bury these emotions deep within us and carry on without confronting the issues. These books help us bring those emotions out.A good Health Mind and Body book teaches you the way to live a truly healthy and worthwhile life by showing you how to reach for and touch, polish and rejuvenate your inner soul. They teach us the importance of emotions, as the source of a person's state of mind that in turn influences his body into a state of w
ellbeing or ill-health. Emotions have a significant bearing on a person's mental and physical state. This being so, spiritual books offer a unique way to heal oneself from within, and therefore be able to handle ones feelings in order to enjoy a better state of peace and joy.Besides emotional intelligence and Spiritual Guidance, these books also focus on physical well being. There are a lot of book in the market that guide readers through pregnancy, illness and even weight loss. A number of famous health books are available for all those who have weight issues to deal with. No wonder this genre is attracting more and more readers with each new book. Let's hope this genre keeps exploring more and more avenues and keep giving readers all the boost they want for a better living.

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Blood Hunger - Audiobook Review

Laying in bed the creepy opening sent a shiver down my spine as the words 'strigoi, vrykolakas, vampire or vampir' rung out like a recording from the evil dead film.This small, intricate and suspenseful novel drew me in and kept my attention from start to finish. I rarely listen to audiobooks, but after reading Blood Hunger with it's strong female characters I thought I give it a go rather than read the book again.Sarah Leigh's English/British tone is pleasing on the ears. I can say that I enjoyed her reading, her narration had a nice rhythm to it. There is no music or sound effects in this audiobook, just Leigh's voice as she takes you through a 15-century adventure and the present day set chapters of the Blood Hunger.If you haven't read the book it's a blance of horror and suspense. It also examines important questions about belief and ethics and like the book it's a fast pace listen. As vampire fan it encapsulates traditional vampire stories. The ending is action packed, a
s Lucia must stop the three vampire sisters (reminiscent of the Brides of Dracula) killing and more victims. I do like the main characters. The fabric of Dracul's relationships are textured and believable for a vampire novel, I also like that there is a descent little mystery for solving.Read with emotion and conviction, I'm not sure if the recording is meant to sound old or it's by accident, either way it sticks close to the book and is just over 3 hours long, I believe it was unabridged.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

McMorris Brings Home a Hit With LETTERS FROM HOME

Set during World War II, from Chicago to the battles waging in Europe, from a USO club to a military field hospital, Kristina McMorris has created a moving story in LETTERS FROM HOME. This narrative was inspired by the true love story of her own grandparents' romance and how their correspondence during the war resulted in their eventual loving union. Revolving around three female characters, LETTERS FROM HOME will grab you from the first page and not let you go until you have finished by looking at the wonderful "war time" recipes McMorris has included in the back of the book.Liz Stephens, Betty Cordell, and Julia Renard were roommates in Chicago back in 1944. Each with a different goal in mind, the story follows these women as their lives entwine and they strive to reach those goals. Along the way, they find that no matter what they planned, life happens and some of their journeys end in a much different place than originally intended. Liz starts out fully expecting to marry
Dalton Harris, a friend since they were children who is now a young, local politician. Betty is set on marrying a man of means, unlike her mother, while Julia's dream is heading in the right direction now with a chance to intern for a very famous fashion design team. However, Julia is also engaged to Christian Downing, who is already overseas and while she waits for his return, knowing decisions will need to be made, his brother Ian returns from war, a changed man. Julia feels sorry for him but before she realizes it, those feelings begin to change to something more intense.Enter the rest of the male characters with Morgan McClain, who with his brother Charlie, is enjoying a last hurrah at the Chicago USO Club before shipping out. Although Morgan would have been quite happy to continue his life at home, he thought it best he sign up to watch over his brother Charlie as he had done for most of his life given that Charlie could be rather impetuous. When Morgan and Liz meet a
t the USO, there is immediate chemistry, but when Morgan, always the good guy, goes to help Betty, Liz leaves thinking she had probably imagined it. What could she be thinking anyway when she is destined to be with Dalton?One thing leads to another and Betty begins to write to Morgan overseas but feels she is inadequate in her writing skills and asks Liz for help. With Betty's persuasive personality, Liz agrees and soon Morgan and Liz are writing meaningful, deep letters with Morgan picturing Betty while it is Liz he is really falling for. Betty makes a sudden patriotic, but possibly dangerous decision to join the Woman's Army Corp and in doing so, finds a real romance of her own.As LETTERS FROM HOME goes on, switching from battle fields to the home front, from the men to the women, McMorris writes with a personal touch that really keeps the reader "in the moment" and waiting to see which direction each character will go next. When the war ends, each of the women now has to
come to terms with decisions they have made. What will happen when the men come home? Will Julia follow her dream or continue along the path she has started on? Will Liz be married safely to her childhood friend or take a chance on someone she thinks she has feelings for as a result of those letters? What will become of Betty and who will she finally wind up with, if any? And what IF all the men don't come home? The ending stayed with me as it is one that left me thinking about each character and the choices they made for quite a while. Was I surprised, you might ask? I will say this, war can change people and sometimes we have to ask if we really knew that person to begin with. The fact that Kristina McMorris has written with such depth and emotion, reflected in her characters, the ending, and the story overall. I think you will only know what I mean by reading LETTERS FROM HOME by Kristina McMorris and make your own judgment.

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Rich Dad - Robert Kiyosaki, My Ultimate Wealth Creation Mentor - Part Three of Three

Rich Dad believed that the true investors always can see great opportunities while others only can see disasters and panic. Many property investors find bargains and entrepreneurs start their business during the recession.For example, Microsoft was started during a recession and has become one of the most successful companies to date. Facebook was valued at $10billion in 2009 compared to $3.8 billion in 2008, an increase in value of 263%, compare this to the industrial giants, two of the "Big Three"- Chrysler and General Motors recently filed for bankruptcy. So it is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to see opportunities or disaster.I also found discipline and self belief are very important to keep my goals and visions alive in this global recession and to keep my spirit up when we have all the negative media coverage. I can honestly say this recession has slowed me down and I have encountered obstacles and problems on the way. However it is too naïve to expect e
verything to go smoothly, just as you expected and planned. It's also helpful to read inspirational books and go to seminars to keep your spirit up.Along the way I have also read books from the following people who have inspired me and gave me valuable knowledge. Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Robert Allen, Napoleon Hill, George Clason and many more. I have also decided to take all of them as my mentors despite the fact I have never met them. Their wisdom, knowledge and courage often inspires me towards my goals and dreams. Life is not a bed of roses and these books act like torches to brighten my road.It's also a good idea to attend seminars to meet like minded people. I love to attend wealth creation, personal development and business seminars, as this helps me to learn how to leverage other people's money, experience and knowledge. In addition to property seminars, I have also attended many other paid and free seminars and met and listened to millionaires from all differen
t backgrounds many of whom started with nothing or were deeply in debt. Their stories are inspiring and I have also gained the necessary skills and knowledge that will benefit my personal development.In addition to property investment, I'm also developing my internet business skills. I love and am passionate about what I do and I know these are also important success factors whatever you do. I'm also still proud of my MBA, because it has given me so much confidence and the knowledge that I gained from this course has given me an edge that will be very useful for running my businesses.The good news is that we can operate in several cash flow quadrants at the same time to generate multiple streams of income. As Rich Dad said, every one of us has the potential to become rich. You do not need money to become rich, but your brain, your most important asset, can make you rich. It is not how much resources you have, it is your resourcefulness that makes all the difference.Since the
time that I wrote down my goals to become financially free and become a millionaire, I also wrote down my financial plan, as without a plan my goals would be destined to fail. Opportunities are everywhere and our determination to succeed is the most important factor. I will never give up my dream, I will continuously take action and learn more by attending seminars and by reading books that increase my financial IQ and effectiveness. Persistence and positive attitude are other important character traits and I believe the law of attraction.

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Book Review - The Hummer and the Mini by Robyn Waters

Robyn Waters, former vice president of trend, design, and product development at Target, has written an easy to read, interesting book on trends and countertrends that are taking hold. The Hummer and the Mini is a book that demonstrates how every product that becomes the new rave such as the Hummer, has a counter product which is designed to be exactly the opposite, like the Mini Cooper. The Hummer is known as a large, luxurious, excessive vehicle that eats up gas and is awful for the environment. At the same time, the Mini Cooper, which is just as popular in the opposite way, is known for its great gas mileage, speed and style, and not being awful for the environment.Waters applies her ideas of the Hummer vs. the Mini Cooper to all types of products and services available to people everywhere. The book is broken down into ten chapters, all covering a different sector of products which have trends and countertrends. There are dozens of examples in every chapter, and in this r
eview I will give a brief summary of some of the most interesting examples.In the beginning of her book, Waters explains how she personally spotted trends and countertrends while working at Target. She describes how people love to buy expensive clothes, but at the same time will buy an expensive pair of jeans and wear a five dollar t-shirt with those jeans. While the expensive jeans may be the new trend, you could describe the cheap shirt as a countertrend. At the same time, while Sony PlayStation is a huge seller these days, board games have made a comeback. People are more conscious about video games frying your brain, so they play board games to use their brains more effectively.Another example Robyn Waters gives in her book is how modern, ultra-expensive furniture from the finest stores are very popular, but so is really cheap, worn-looking furniture. While the expensive items are nice to own and show that one has money, some people feel that buying a dresser or table at
the thrift store and giving it some TLC means more and looks better in the end.Waters also discusses how people love to buy items that are widely available to everyone in the same model including cars, homes, televisions, etc. But counter examples exist as well where the product is highly customizable. Examples include the Scion XB, where the consumer can decide what color paint, interior lights, and other interior options he/she desires. The consumer must wait a little longer than the average person to get their car due to the customization, but everyone agrees its well worth the wait. Other customizable options include the iPod, Nike shoes, and Lands' End pants. Consumers can choose what color and size iPod they want, can design the color and lettering on their Nike shoes, and custom fit Lands' End pants. When someone can make an item their own, they are more likely to buy it and enjoy it more than an item that everyone else has.Another section of Waters' book deals with
companies that produce luxury items which previously did not have a market. One example is the In-N-Out Burger chain. Here, operators and managers do not use freezers, they make food when you order it, hand cut their fries, and the milk shakes are created using real ice cream. For these reasons, the In-N-Out Burger chain has some of the best rated food and happiest fast food customers in the world. Waters then mentions Airstream's Sky Deck, a high-class RV which includes a rooftop deck and lounge, wet bar, barbeque, entertainment center, and fancy umbrellas. Companies like Airstream target the population of the world who expect more and want to know that they are getting the best, and are making huge profits as a result.The trend versus countertrend idea also applies to technology being very complex versus very simple. People who own phones today probably have the ability to text message, surf the internet, take pictures and videos, and use thousands of applications with the
touch of a screen. All of the various buttons and applications only cause problems for the elderly and those who grew up with the idea that "simple is better". For this reason, companies like Vodafone produce phones for the non-technological savvy where only the essential buttons are included on the phone. Buyers get a phone with a basic key pad, the ability to text message, and that's about it. Life does not have to be so complex and technical, and basic phones and other appliances are catching on quickly with certain groups of people.One of the more interesting topics in the book is how people pay good money for healthy products. An example of a higher-priced but high-demand product is 3 Vodka. This vodka is made from soy, and is the first time ever that soy has been distilled into alcohol. With such a unique product, a unique package is needed, and 3 Vodka does not disappoint. Their bottle is very eye-catching, has a huge 3 across the bottle, and has a cap that doubles a
s a half-shot glass. Also, spas have popped up all over the country and women and men will pay hundreds of dollars per hour to get pampered. At the same time, while spas are mainly aimed at adults, they are now being built for kids as well. Adults can go get a massage and manicure or pedicure while the little kids are getting their own manicures or pedicures and hair styling.Robyn Waters' book provides you with a new aspect of the world around you related to products and trends. Personally, I never related the Hummer to the Mini Cooper and how many items are the exact opposite of other products which have caught on with the public and sold very well. Waters does a great job of covering ten or so markets and explaining dozens of trend and countertrend examples within each market. This book can be read in a couple of days and is useful for people who are developing products, are interested in current trends, or want to start a new business with an innovative product. I rate th
is book a 4 out of 5.

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Use Bookmarkers to Save Your Book

Treating your books, whether they are new or used, with care will give you more reading enjoyment in the future. Many people will read the same book more than once and keeping the book in good condition makes it easier to read again later. This applies to paperbacks and hardcover books. Reading a used paperback or used hardcover book that has dog-tagged pages, broken spines or loose pages takes away some of the reading enjoyment.The use of a book marker will help prolong the life of your book. Choosing a style that is flat and thin is best. These will not bend or deform the book or pages. Avoid thick or round ones, these will not allow your book to close properly. Paper, laminated, cloth, plastic and very thin metal are good choices for book markers. Avoid using gem clips or book markers that clip on the page. These will leave impressions on the page if left too long. They can also tear the page if removed improperly. If you prefer metal pick one that does not corrode or rus
t. Some people will use scraps of paper as book markers. This is good if you don't have a book marker. The problem with scraps of paper is they are often small and get lost when pulled from the book. If you enjoy reading and are paying for the book, having a good book marker is a must to keeping the book in good condition.Don't use paper clips. These will rust and deform or leave impressions on the pages. Never dog-tag or fold the corner of the page. This will cause the page corner to break off over time. This will also cause confusion as to which page you were on if more than one page is left dog-tagged.Book markers have another function other than marking your page. They help control your reading. Many with dyslexia have found using a book marker to guide their eyes helps them read. Book markers help control concentration by leading the eye along the sentence instead of letting it wander.Book markers are easily found and come in many sizes and styles. Find one or two that
you are comfortable with and enjoy it. Many have pictures, quotes or sayings on them that in themselves fun to look at or read. Save your new book so you or someone else can enjoy it as a used paperback or used hardcover book later.

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Free Me To Live - A Workbook That May Change Your Life

Let me ask you this:Do you suffer with depression, guilt, shame or self -blame?Do you cringe when you look in the mirror?Do you find it difficult to forgive yourself for what you have done?Do you feel that you are damaged goods?Have you experienced an abortion? Were you ever abused? Raped? Did you suffer a serious violation of your self like incest or sexual molestation?As the story goes, we get hurt deeply when choices we make or the choices someone else makes cause us to hurt (emotionally, physically or even spiritually.) Such hurts get internalized and "stuffed." The result is that the pain becomes a "hidden thing of shame." As long as something like the pain of abortion, rape, incest or abuse is hidden, it causes shame and guilt. The thing that is hidden has power to harm you. These hidden things of shame dominate our life.This is why I call these kinds of hurts: LIFE DOMINATING PROBLEMS. They do not go away with time. In fact, they often resurface with greater
intensity later. That is the nature of post-traumatic stress.You can not wash the feelings of guilt and shame away with soap. You can not escape the nightmares. Most commonly, people live with a scar of hidden shame that too often results in depression.In fact, if you look just at one trigger issue that has impacted about 50 million women in the united states, the symptoms of abortion related aftermath read just like post traumatic stress. The most common expression of women of abortion is "I can't forgive myself." Those who have been violated by someone else tend to say, "I will not trust them ever again."Untreated, these life dominating problems can cripple the personYou can not run away from your real self. You can not wish away the painful memories.These life-dominating issues ultimately result in an emotional implosion.Have you experienced one of these problems?Are you are sick and tired of the pain?Are you are ready to do what ever it takes to be free from all t
he guilt and shame and oppressive feelings that weigh you down.....then I want to share a secret that may change your life.Here is the SECRET!Ready?You do not have to hurt...Someone Cares!There are many support groups waiting for you in almost every major city in the United States, Canada, and through out Europe.But, if you can not attend one of those live support groups, chances are you can still find your hope in your time of great need.Now, you can access a helpful email series combined with a 150 page web-based distance-learning course that can help you no matter where you live. The only requirement is that you have internet access.Here is what you might expect:1. You could gain access to 14 key object lessons that will help you to address your hurts positively with great results.2. You could learn over about 45 days new facts about who you are, why you can be free and how you can be free from now on.3. Participants report the experience described as "chains of bond
age breaking."4. You might discover how to break out of a self-imposed emotional prison.5. You might experience new light flooding the darkness and the sludge within your heart of hearts.6. It is likely you would feel loved like you have never been loved before by completing the course.How much does it cost to take such a course?Absolutely Nothing! It is free!Let me invite you to visit to learn more about this powerful Christian recovery course.It may just change your life for the better!

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Book Review, Fatal Burn, by Lisa Jackson

There is a firebug out there. This firebug is trying to kill those loved by Shannon Flannery in a mean, sadistic way. Shannon feels like the world is closing in on her and she doesn't know if she is next on this killers list or not. Shannon love animals. She boards horses and trains dogs for search and rescue operations wherever needed. When Shannon awakes to the smell of smoke, looks out, and sees her barns and stables with fire and smoke pouring out of them, she runs to do all she can to save her horses and dogs.Travis Settler has a young daughter he and his now deceased wife had adopted. Travis wants to find the true birth mother of this daughter. Clues lead him to Shannon's area. Travis is "stalking" Shannon's house when the fire breaks out. Even though he did not want to let Shannon know who he was and what he was doing near her house, he ran to assist in rescuing the animals, beginning a good friendship and giving him the opening to obtain information about Dan
i, his daughter.Dani, had gone online to try to find out for herself who her real mother was, alerting Shannon that her daughter was active in this search. Many members of Shannon's family had disappeared or been supposedly killed over the past several years so she was getting frantic to end this killing and find the firebug that was getting too close to her. Shannon had been suspected of killing her former husband but there was not enough proof to arrest her and prosecute her.Shannon's brothers are very secretive in keeping information from her and she becomes more suspicious as she wonders what they were up to. She wants to build a new farm for her and her animals so she could increase the dogs she could train. Her relationship with her brothers gets very uncomfortable. Eventually she meets Travis but she has no knowledge what he is in the area for and he would not discuss much with her.I found "Fatal Burn" to be excellent in writing style and in keeping the readers i
nterest solidly into the story. The suspense keeps you on edge and the book has many of the usual twists and turns. It is a page-turner you will enjoy if you like mysteries. I have an interest in most any fire or arson stories I can find. "Fatal Burn" is better than most I have read but it just is not about the fire aspect that makes it so terrific.

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Techno-Thriller Stars Texas Rangers!

A "western" flavor with great historical information and action from the Texas Rangers is merged within an exciting techno thriller, in Jon Land's Strong Enough To Die. In my opinion, it's a must-read!Caitlin Strong, a fifth-generation Ranger, has had one too many close calls--the last one resulting in the death of a dear friend and partner. Leaving the Rangers, she goes back to school to get her degree for counseling and gets a job at the Survivor Center for Victims of Torture. Although the director is unsure about her working with victims, when Caitlin is brought in to see one of her potential patients, and recognizes him, she is pulled into an experience to be faced like no other she has ever known and assures the director that she will work hard to handle the job in order to be able to care for the man.As she begins her new job, she learns that Cort Wesley Masters, the man who had been the leader at the ambush where her partner was killed, has been released due to a new t
est for the DNA that had proved him not guilty, and he was coming after her for revenge. They meet when he finds out where she is working and goes to the Survivor Center, only to find that the facility is under attack and Caitlin is the only staff member left alive and she is fighting to save her patient. In a split-second decision, Cort forgets his original plan and works along with Caitlin to eliminate the attackers!Reclaiming her Ranger's badge is one part of Caitlin's first acts after this massacre. As Caitlin discovers that Cort was set up and wants to find out who falsely accused him, she also learns that, by protecting her patient, who others are trying to kidnap, she, Cort, and his two children, are now all under attack. Cort and Caitlin are forced into an uneasy alliance as they discover more and more about everything happening.Caitlin and Cort are terrific characters and I hope they will be in future books; however, one minor character, Guillermo Paz, stole a lead
role for me-a mercenary/hit man, Paz visits various churches and confesses his actions to the dismay of local priests. His latest job has brought him from South America by the "head man" and is told to get rid of all witnesses. However, when he finds Caitlin, protecting the sons of Cort Wesley, he leaves without killing them-and later revisits a local church. Paz has found his role in life!Strong Enough To Die by Jon Land is refreshingly different as the role of Texas Rangers is blended with hi-tech murder. One of the best I've read!Strong Enough To DieBy Jon LandForge BooksISBN: 9780765312587351 Pages

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Survive Caregiver Stress and Burnout

The need to raise survival rates among caregivers aged sixty-five and over who care for loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer's is urgent. Why? A significant number die before they're finished caregiving.Symptoms of Caregiver Stress or Burnout
Shortened patience, lengthened anger.
Inability to sleep.
Caregiver Dementia
Drinking and/or smoking more or self-medicating.
Denying there's anything wrong with loved one.
Denying the need for help.
Hopelessness, ongoing depression.
Eating poorly.
The average length of time a caregiver cares for a loved one with Alzheimer's is six and one-half years. That's 2,373 days. It's hard to hold onto hope that things will get better when you're facing an uncertain time frame.Remember, those stress surveys from the late seventies and early eighties? I recall a condensed list of 25 stressful life events. We were instructed to place a check mark by each event that occurred to us within the past year. Among the 25 events were the following.
Death of a Loved One
Marital separation or Divorce
Financial difficulties
Job Loss
Geographical relocation
Family conflict
Illness in the family
Back then when life was more stable (even during those double-digit inflationary years), the assessment tool instructed us that checking more than two items meant we were suffering from high levels of stress and should seek help. Can you imagine? Today, we could easily check five or ten! The difference surely paints a picture of living with greater stress, today.Examples of Caregiver StressBelow are a few examples of caregiver stress and burnout.LACK of SLEEPWhile my father lived in our California home, we lay awake nights because he would get disoriented between night and day and wander. He'd jiggle the door knob of our bedroom door, which we were advised to lock most nights in order to catch up on lost sleep.Burdened by worries, I lay awake most nights. There was so much to do that I feared I wouldn't remember it all. (I had a calendar and I wrote lots of To Dos, but when that spark of an idea strikes in the middle of the night, I didn't want to forget!)LOST PATIENCE LEADI
NG to ANGERMy father would go through stubborn phases. With my husband David helping me, we had an outlet in each other. We were able to temper our anger but when we grew so exhausted and couldn't, we did things that turned out to be funny.One afternoon, after my father threw a tantrum and demanded that David show him his room, I followed them down the hall when the urge hit to strangle my father. I called out "David" so my deaf father could not hear. When my husband turned to look he began to laugh seeing my fingers loosely around my father's neck. Confused by David's laughter, my father stopped to look and then turned back to see me. Feigning innocence, my guilt-ridden smile confused my father who looked back at David laughing. Then he began to smile. Surprised by his sudden shift of emotions, I too began to laugh until we were all laughing!I do not recommend hurting your loved one. I placed my hands loosely around my father's neck to see what David's reaction might be. T
he laughter that followed diverted a stressful moment, giving us a constructive outlet to redirect mounting frustrations. But, what if I were the only caregiver and didn't have a support partner like David? It is easy to see how one caregiver can grow exhausted and lose patience and even grow angry.EATING POORLYLike us, most caregivers don't take care of themselves as they should.David and I made sure to sit with my father and eat well-prepared balanced meals since we were concerned about his nutrition. Isn't this sad? We care more for others than ourselves.After we placed my father, we went back to our old ways of one meal a day. This was not an ideal arrangement to maintain our strength as caregivers. Despite not having 24-hour responsibility for my father's care, we still felt tethered to him.CAREGIVER DEMENTIAJust as people with Alzheimer's suffer memory loss, get disoriented, and even hallucinate, so did we! The label, caregiver dementia, is used to describe Alzheimer's
-like symptoms experienced by caregivers.David began hallucinating. David wrote letters to me while I was on travel. They were frightening as he detailed the night he felt pinned down under the bed covers and people taking his things (a common complaint of those with dementia). I was not immune either. I backed into the garage door three times, destroying two power antennas, and needing one back-end repair and one new garage door. Although, it is normal for caregivers to experience stress and burnout, you don't have to suffer. We grew more and more exhausted each day and realized something must be done for my father's and our safety. David and I started showing signs of Alzheimer's trying to keep up with my father's care!Fortunately, we explored our options. After considering in-home care (I worked out of our small home and needed quiet concentration time), board and care (not secured and my wandering father might get out and not return), assisted living (at least 50 miles a
way at the time), and nursing care, we settled on the last--a secure facility that would look after my father 24/7.Consider this: What use will you be as a caregiver for your loved one if your stress and burnout is so severe, you won't be here for long?

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Book Review - Seven Year Switch

Summer arrived in Northern California uncharacteristically late this year. Normally, the temperature soars past 100 degrees by Memorial Day, and by the time we "ooh" and "aah" over the Fourth of July fireworks display, we have enjoyed a number of days lounging on the beach or by the pool, leisurely reading an engrossing novel... or a few. This year, we didn't experience our first 100 degree-plus scorcher until June was nearly a memory.Fortunately, by the time our first really long, hot summer day arrived, I was by the pool reading Claire Cook's seventh novel, Seven Year Switch, which received well-deserved beach read shout-outs from People, USA Today, and the New York Times. Seven Year Switch marked the first time I read one of Claire Cook's books, although Must Love Dogs is one of my all-time favorite movies. I enjoyed Seven Year Switch so much that I plan to read (and review) her previous six novels.Synopsis:Jill Murray's life hasn't turned out the way she envisioned and pl
anned it. For the past seven years, she has been raising her daughter, Anastasia, now ten years old, on her own. Her husband, Seth, suddenly abandoned them. To make ends meet, Jill teaches Lunch Around the World cooking classes at the community center and works from home as a telephone operater for her friend Joni's travel service. "Great Girlfriend Getaways. Feisty and fabulous man-free escapes both close to home and all over the world. When was the last time you got together with your girlfriends?" Jill greets callers in eight-hour stretches while she prepares dinner for Anastasia, drills her on her spelling lesson, and wonders if and when her husband will reappear. Ironically, although Jill regales callers with exciting details about the various available getaway packages, she hasn't enjoyed any getaways herself. And she doesn't have any girlfriends to get away with, unless you count Joni or Cynthia, her annoyingly beautiful next-door neighbor.Jill also provides business
consulting services. A new client, Billy Sanders, needs assistance expanding his line of designer bicycle rentals into the Japanese market. For the first time in seven years, Jill allows herself to contemplate more than a casual bicycle ride with her handsome, somewhat eccentric new client.Naturally, Seth resurfaces just as Jill is pulling her life together and beginning to feel like her old, confident self again.Review:Jill thought she was leading a perfectly happy life with her husband, Seth, and three-year-old daughter. Railing against the domesticity into which they have settled, Seth can't understand why Jill doesn't see that he is suffocatingly unhappy. So Seth simply walks away, leaving Jill financially and emotionally destitute, and fully responsible for raising their daughter.In response, Jill does what any mother in those circumstances would: She figures out how to survive... step by step, day by day. Not without anxiety. Not without worry. Not without anger and re
sentment toward the man she loved and she believed loved her, their child, and their life together. And not without subjugating her own needs for the sake of her daughter's. She doesn't date, she doesn't buy nice clothes for or take proper care of herself. She can't afford to hire someone to perform routine maintenance on the modest house she has managed to purchase in a marginal neighborhood that is on the cusp of becoming trendy.As the story opens, it is clear that Jill has lived every day of the last seven years on a precipice -- waiting for whatever comes next. And she is understandably tired of it. But effecting change in your life is difficult when you have a ten-year-old who is completely dependent upon you -- only you.Cook creates thoroughly believable main characters with whom readers can readily identify. Anastasia, in particular, is appropriately, exasperatingly, charmingly precocious. She is ten going on thirty, as are most girls that age. Concerned about what he
r friends will think if she lets her mother kiss her good-bye before she gets on the school bus, she longs to fit in with the other kids as she perpetually fusses with her headband and writes with a pink or purple feathery pen. She tests her mother in the ways that only a bright and cheeky ten-year-old can. Bemused, Jill had come to love Anastasia's "little acts of rebellion. I read them as signs of progress, evidence that she had not only survived, but was finally starting to thrive. She had friends at school. Her grades were good. She loved to read." And, in Jill's estimation, "[t]he last thing either of us needed was for Seth to come back into our lives and screw them all up again." Of course, he does.Wisely, Cook crafts a convincing portrait of a little girl poised to enter puberty who still longs for and misses her daddy. The story would have been far less satisfying had Anastasia been portrayed as a stereotypically angry, rebellious teenager and Jill the harried mother
desperate to communicate with an out-of-control child. Because Anastasia is ten, rather than 16 or 17, Jill's instinctual desire to protect her just a bit longer is understandable, So Jill's ethically questionable method of assessing her daughter's need to have her father back in her life is justifiable and, from the reader's perspective, forgivable.What makes Cook's writing remarkable and elevates Seven Year Switch from just another enjoyable story to a memorable one, is the book's hilariously authentic cast of supporting players. Like one of my all-time favorite authors, Janet Evanovich, Cook injects her narrative with nuances and details that make the most tangential characters, even if they only appear in the story for a few brief words or paragraphs, come alive in the reader's mind just as vibrantly as those central to the story. From the opening paragraphs in which Cook describes Jill's eclectic menagerie of students at the community center through the last few chapte
rs when the reader meets the group of women with whom Jill finally gets away to Costa Rica for a surfing adventure, every character has his/her own unique voice and is expertly positioned to propel the dialogue and plot forward at a crisp clip.Perhaps most intriguing is Cynthia, Jill's next-door neighbor. Cynthia wears flirty little tennis outfits, has her hair and nails done regularly, is a some-time interior decorator, and owns a complete set of the "pinkest of pink" power tools that she loans Jill in their silver and pink case resembling a "heftier version of the Barbie briefcase that Anastasia had talked me into buying her a few years ago." Jill wanted to hate Cynthia because she "oozed entitlement from every well-peeled and dermabraded pore, but I also kind of wanted to be Cynthia. Somehow I thought I'd do a better job of it." Every woman has at least one friend like Cynthia, whose life isn't quite as perfect as, at first glance, it appears. Full of puns and a few unful
filled dreams of her own, it becomes impossible for the reader to hate her, either. By the end of the book, Cynthia becomes uproariously endearing.The least developed character is Seth, but that does not detract from the story. Rather, the omission keeps the reader's attention focused on Jill and her metamorphosis. Thankfully, Jill doesn't spend a lot of time trying to understand why Seth left her and Anastasia, even when he offers a lame explanation. His abrupt departure, reminiscent of Berger's break-up with Carrie on Sex and the City, and equally sudden reappearance, don't send Jill into prolonged hand-wringing, "where-did-I-fail-you?" or "how-did-I-miss-the-signs?" fits of soul-searching. The truth is that Seth is a coward and Jill is entitled to be unremorsefully furious with him for the rest of her life. But Jill is determined to be the best mother she can be and when Seth wanders back into their lives, hoping to pick up where they left off seven years before, Jill con
tinues to elevate her daughter's needs over her own. Coward or not, Seth is Anastasia's father, after all.Jill informs Anastasis that her father has returned, and the little girl demands to speak with him immediately. Jill relates that "[i]f I'd had to take a test to define the emotions I was feeling, I would have failed miserably." Any parent who has, purely for the sake of their child, endured holidays, birthdays, and other occasions in the company of an ex-spouse or partner when they would rather have omitted his/her from the guest list can readily relate to Jill's frustration and jealousy when Anastasia becomes completely enchanted with the parent who has been inexcusably absent from her life. But for her daughter's sake, Jill faces the moment she has dreaded for seven years: Anastasia's reunion with her father.I tiptoed into the living room. Anastasia was sitting on the couch, flipping through the album of photos of Seth."Hey," I whispered. "How did it go?"She smiled up
at me. "We're having a welcome home party. I'm going to make the decorations, and Dad's going to bring the presents. What do you want to do?"I looked at her. I twisted my mouth into a smile.Scream, I thought. While the daughter and the father plan their reunion, what the mother wants to do is scream.It is said that every seven years one becomes a completely new person. The dramatic tension in Cook's story emanates from Jill's being forced to decide if she wants to revert to the person she was seven years ago when her world was turned upside down by Seth's departure, or reinvent herself. With Seth's return, things cannot remain as they have been for the past seven years as she and Anastasia found their way together. Jill loved Seth but she has to decide if she still loves him or can love him again, despite what he did. Now that he has been reintroduced to Anastasia, he will remain a part of both of their lives. And there is Billy, with whom Jill has tentatively embarked upon
a refreshing new relationship. A surprising twist causes her to question whether she can continue her professional or personal relationship with Billy.Jill is the "everywoman" in this piece. Every parent who reads Seven Year Switch better buckle up before reading the first page because he/she is going on an emotional roller coaster ride along with Jill. It is impossible not to empathize with Jill's heartbreak at seeing her daughter long for her absent father and, when he resurfaces, her desire to shield Anastasia as she thrusts herself headlong into a renewed relationship with him. (What if he hurts them again?) It is easy to appreciate why Jill, humiliated and embarrassed, isolated herself from her friends, and threw her full energy and attention into raising her daughter after being rejected so emphatically and cruelly by an outwardly loving husband. And every woman who has girlfriends upon whom she relies for companionship, honesty, and unconditional support will rejoice
when Jill finally acknowledges that she deserves her own Great Girlfriend Getaway. Every great book boasts at least one character with whom the readers identify and for whom they cheer. In Seven Year Switch, that character is Jill.Seven Year Switch is ultimately an exploration of what it means to be selfless and forgiving, while safeguarding one's own emotional boundaries, along with those of the people who depend upon us for care and protection. Few people will find themselves in a situation as unusual as having a spouse return after going missing for seven years, but readers will relate to Jill's determination to do what is best for her daughter, as well as the morass of unresolved feelings Jill must sort through as she struggles to discern what comes next in her life - and her child's. The pages of Seven Year Switch flip quickly, but its theme and characters resonate long after the book has been put back into the beach tote with the sunscreen, sunflower seeds, and extra
towels while the reader contemplates the incoming tide. It is, as Allison Winn Scotch, author of The One That I Want observed, "a perfect beach read," sure to become a summertime classic!

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Red Dragon Rising

Any time I see a military thriller with a recommendation from Tom Clancy who virtually invented the genre with his Jack Ryan series of novels (think Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and many others) it's a novel I'm interested in reading.Red Dragon Rising is the initial work by Larry Bond and Jim DeFelice which paint a bleak picture of the world in the near future. To start, global warming has begun in full force and is wreaking havoc on the world in general. The United States has come out ahead because much of the northern portion of the country has been able to farm for the remaining parts which are now too dry and warm to effectively grow food for the nation. Overall, the diverse and varied American economy has had struggles, but has been able to survive. The rest of the world is in much worse shape including China and India which are experiencing major water shortages with China facing massive food related problems because their rice industry has been decimated by
the warmer weather.The result of this massive resource shortage has China making plans to attack Vietnam and then roll through the rest of Asia with a long term plan of overtaking the Western portion of the United States.The main protagonist in the novel is a scientist who has survived a vicious attack on his family as a child, so he knows generally how to live in the wilderness for some time alone as well as how to use a gun. He was in Vietnam working for the United Nations on climate change when his scientific expedition of three individuals was attacked by the Chinese army which was in Vietnam for a scouting expedition.Overall the book was well written and provided a quick, enjoyable read. I do however get tired of China always being the enemy in these types of stories, for a country with no historical interest in dominating all of Asia, I find it interesting that was the basis for the entire book.

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Best Selling Author Kathy Reichs - Author Biographies

Kathy Reichs was born Kathleen Joan Toelle in 1950 in Chicago, Illinois. She received a BA in Anthropology from American University in 1971. She received her MA in Physical Anthropology in 1972 and her PHD in 1975 from Northwestern University. She is also professionally trained in archaeology. She is one of only about 60 forensic anthropologists certified by the American Board of forensics where she is also a board member.Kathy says, as a child she had a big interest in archaeology and was an avid mystery fan reading Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. Kathy Reichs wears many hats. Besides being a wife and mother, (she married attorney Paul Reichs and they have three children) she is a professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. She has also taught at Northern Illinois University, University of Pittsburgh, Concordia University and McGill University. She divides her time between North Carolina and Quebec where she works at the Laboratoire de Sciences
Judicaires et de Medicine Leagale. She is also Director of Forensic Anthropology for the Providence of Quebec. She went to Quebec, initially, as part of a program allowing professors to swap positions for a year. As there are very few board certified forensic anthropologists that speak French, they came to an agreement for her to commute monthly from Charlotte.Kathy explains that the forensic anthropologist is generally asked into a case when a body is too decomposed, burned, mummified, mutilated, or skeletonized for a normal autopsy. Sometimes they are called to look at damage in bones of even fresh bodies. This often tells her what type of weapon was used to sustain the injuries. It not uncommon for skeletal remains to be brought in for identification and they turn out to be animal or bird. Kathy has edited forensics textbooks and written several journal articles. In 1997 she had her first book of fiction published.Her series of books are based on the Forensic Anthropolog
y character, Dr. Temperance Brennan. These series of books inspired the television series "Bones" with Kathy as Executive Producer. "Bones" is the name Seeley Booth, Dr. Temperance Brennan's FBI partner, calls her. "Bones" is based very loosely on Kathy Reich's book series. Dr. Temperance Brennan, besides being a forensic anthropologist at the Jeffersonian Institute in Washington, DC, working closely with the FBI, also writes best selling books with her protagonist being Kathy Reichs. Kathy played a small role in one of the "Bones" episodes, playing a forensic anthropologist who is a member of Zach Addy's, dissertation committee. It's the scene where he is defending his thesis in front of the committee, and we are a stern and dour group. Zach Addy is Dr. Brennan's assistant. The show is now in its fifth season. She says she would love to see Dr. Temperance Brennan portrayed in a movie but is waiting for the right offer. Kathy Reichs was a member of the Disaster Mortuary Oper
ational Response Team participating in the cleanup at the World Trade Center, which she said was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Kathy has worked on projects with the National Disaster Medical System team. She is also an expert witness in criminal trials. Kathy has identified victims from the genocide in Guatemala and has appeared to testify at the United Nations Genocide Tribunal in Rwanda. She also trains agents at Quantico, the FBI Academy.Book written by Kathy Reichs:Deja Dead (1997) Death Du Jour (1999)Deadly Decisions (2000) Fatal Voyage (2001) Grave Secrets (2002)Bare Bones (2003) Monday Mourning (2004) Cross Bones (2005)Break No Bones (2006) Bones to Ashes (2007)Devil Bones (2008)206 Bones (2009)Omnibus:Deja Dead/Death Du Jour in (2004)Novels:I'd Kill for That (2004) (with Rita Mae Brown, Jennifer Cruise, Linda Farstein, Heather Graham, Kay Hooper, Katherine Neville, Anne Perry, Julie Smith and Tina Wainscott)Author Biographies

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Classic Children's Books

Selecting a classic children's book can be fun, rewarding and a trip down memory lane. There are some unifying things that make children's books classics.First of all, children's books should be bright and colorful, with illustrations that capture a child's attention. Books by Dr. Seuss are prime examples of classic children's stories which make successful use of vibrant colors. "Goodnight, Moon, Goodnight, Gorilla", and anything by Eric Carle are also excellent examples of books with illustrations that suck in the reader.Secondly, classic children's books should tell a good story, often with humor. Kids love to laugh, and a well-written children's book will crack a child up over and over. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf, The Paper Bag Princess, and Click Clack, Moo Cows that Type are fast becoming children's classics because they crack kids up every time! The Ramona Quimby and Junie B. Jones series also are great examples!Finally, classic children's books
engage children at their level. For young children, these are books that have a tactile component, something they can touch and manipulate. For example, Pat the Bunny is a book that even the youngest children can engage with because it is soft, and they can explore through touch. When children get a little older, many children's stories are books with repetition.Classic stories like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom or I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly are stories with repeating lines. As children listen to the book, they can "fill in the blanks" of the story with these repeating phrases. From there, many children's books incorporate rhyme. That is why Dr. Seuss is so popular. Finally, as children get older, they appreciate classic children's stories with great characters, doing great things.Where the Wild Things Are, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Amelia Bedelia and Ruby in Her Own Time are examples of classic children's stories with great character
s exploring an exciting time for them. These classic stories also have lessons but they do not beat children over the head with them.Obviously, classic children's stories mean different things to different people. Reading a plethora of different types of stories to children is vital to them becoming good, mature, accomplished readers. This is also a key to getting children to love to read! Every book that a child connects to is a classic in his or her own mind, and that is a great thing indeed.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The New Nikon D700

The Nikon D700 is the newest addition to the Nikon D series digital cameras. The main difference between the D700 and its earlier D series digital cousins is the size of the sensor. The D700 is a true 35mm format with a digital sensor that is a 23.9mm by 36mm. Nikon has designated the new format as FX as opposed to DX for its earlier digital SLR cameras.When you consider all the features available and the fact that the D700 will use nearly any Nikon lens produced since 1974, the D700 offers considerable bang for the serious amateur or working professional's buck.If your stable of Nikon lens contains both FX and DX lens, both can be used on the D700 although if a DX lens is used, the camera will sense this and if Auto DX crop is selected in the Image Area menu, the camera will automatically set the proper picture area for that lens.Some plus factors of the Nikon D700 are these:1. It will permit you to use your older 35mm Nikon lens in their true format.2. Most of the camera's
control functions are similar to earlier Nikon D series cameras. Thus, if you own or have owned a D100, D200 or D300 for example, most of the controls will be familiar.3. It is considered to be an advanced amateur's or professional user's camera and because of its size and weight, the D700 is considered by many to be ideal for the wedding photographer.4. If the user is so inclined, the camera can be used with the settings as shipped from the factory and for most circumstances the D700 will do an excellent job.5. The camera is shipped with an excellent user's manual.Cons: none! To date, my D700 has taken 2000+ photographs and has functioned flawlessly.This article only scratches the surface of the features available on the D700 and its predecessor the D300. I will be exploring some of these features in future articles and presenting my findings.

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The Books That Failed to Stand That Test of Time

Millennium Bug : How to Survive the Coming Chaos by Michael S. Hyatt 1998This account outlines an ominous view of how computer systems will be able to deal with the year 2000 problem. Power grids will go dark, 911 call centers descend into chaos, Visa cards die, and the industrialized world is reduced to hunting and gathering in Hyatt's millennium nightmare. In reality the only blackouts that occurred were from one too many glasses of millennium cheer.The Nixon Nobody Knows by Henry D. Spalding1972An intimate glimpse into the Presidents private life exposing everything... Except that Watergate thing that he was planning for two years later.Apple: The Inside Story of Intrigue, Egomania, and Business Blunders by Jim Carlton1977There may have been a shaky start but with after Steve Jobs successes with the Macintosh 128k in the 1980s and company recent successes with the iPod, iPhone, iMac and iTunes I personally think Carlton got it wrong.Born to Run The O. J. Simpson Story by L
arry Fox1974Written at the height of his NFL career as a running back the books author Larry Fox could never have predicted OJ's run from the LAPD in his white bronco almost 20 years later.Esperanto The World Interlanguage by George Allan Connor1948Esperanto was a constructed language developed in the late 1800s, which could supposedly be learned in a fraction of the time taken to learn a traditional language. Much was touted in the early 20th century that Esperanto would alleviate language barrier problems but the concept never took off.Money and Investments by Montgomery Rollins1928A reference book for the use of those desiring information in the handling of money or the investment thereof, however with Black Tuesday occurring the following year anyone taking this investment advice may have ended up in the poor house.Spoiling for a Fight: The Rise of Eliot Spitzer by Brooke A. Masters 2006In 2006 The Rise of Eliot Spitzer was published describing the ruthless ways in which
he cracked down on unethical financial institutions. In 2008 the Fall of Eliot Spitzer was recorded in the newspapers, over his involvement with high price escort services.Teen Dreams: Rob Lowe by Marci Fredricks 1985Published in 1985 Teen Dreams depicts Lowe as the object of young women's desires, but in 1988 this Brat Pack found himself one of the first celebrities scandalized by a sex tape in which he was, ironically, with a 16 year old girl.True Brit: The Story of Singing Sensation by Sheryl Berk1999Written in 1999 when Britney was the squeaky clean, former Mousecateer, and children's roll model. Now less then a decade later she's still on the front pages but it's not for her singing.In with the Euro, Out with the Pound: Single Currency for Britain by Christopher Johnson1999Nearly a decade after being written and there is no hint of Brittan dropping the Pound.As you can see writing about the future is a precarious business but even some authors are ticked by sciences in
ability to invent everything our minds can dream up. Daniel Wilson wrote an entire book about our distinct lack of moon colonies, flying cars and ray guns entitled Where's My Jetpack?

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