Saturday, August 25, 2012

God's Debris - A Thought Experiment by Scott Adams

This is such a wonderful book that I felt obliged to share the experience with other reading enthusiasts who always look for good books to read. The author defines this book as a thought experiment in the form of a fiction. I must say that the definition fits pretty well.The starting point of the plot is when a young man, a company deliver man, delivers a package to an old man. Instead of accepting the package and signing the receipt, the old man asks the delivery man a strange question, "If you toss a coin a thousand times, how often will it come up heads?"The young man's answer draws even more questions from the elderly person, and a very interesting conversation goes on between the two. That conversation is the essence of the book. The young man appears as an averagely educated and intelligent one, while the other seems to be somebody who knows literally everything, a sage.The conversation covers a vast number of topics from science, philosophy, and religion such as gravit
y, magnetism, whether man has free will, whether God is omnipotent, in a very analytical, logical, sensible manner. Among them, I found two completely new concepts, about God and probability.Reading this book was a wonderful experience. God's Debris is unique in the sense it is rather enjoyable for a thought provoking book, largely because of its story like presentation and smooth flowing language. The ISBN of the book is 0-7407-4787-8. God's Debris is also available online for free, enjoy!

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