Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Working Women, Heart Attacks and Stress - Beyond Chaos Considered

Did you know that statistics now prove women are just as likely as men to have heart attacks? How can this be you ask, as men have always been the ones who have had to worry about a heart attack. The answer to that question is one of stress amongst working women.Often women have to worry about many more things than men do. And working women have to worry about their job, the family and being a mother, which is a triple whammy. It is important now more than ever for women to reduce their stress and eliminate some of the chaos. But what sort of relief is there for the working woman that is put under tremendous pressure every day? Not much, say some psychologists and career guidance counselors. Somehow the women are able to function in a fast pace society and hostile working environment and still outperform their male counterparts in most cases. However like all humans, women are subject to the same health conditions that long-term stress can cause. If you are a w
orking woman, own your own business or run a company as the CEO, then I would like to recommend a very good book to you; "Beyond Chaos; Stress Relief for the Working Woman" by Sheila West (forward by Zig Ziglar); Navpress Publishers; Colorado Springs, CO; 1991 This book will help you in a number of ways including setting up a special plan to reduce your stress and to understand what stress is. The author will help you learn how to turn that stress into a positive rather than a negative that might affect your health. Sheila West assures the working woman that she can stay on the competitive edge, alleviate the bad stress and save their health and long-term risk of a heart attack. I hope you'll read this book.

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