Saturday, August 25, 2012

Unbiased Review of Daegan Smith's, "Power Prospecting" - Does it Really Work?

You're a network marketer looking for a better way to build your business. You go looking on the internet for solutions and come across The Power Prospecting System run by Daegan Smith and Michael Anderson.Can it be true? Have you found the missing link to building your business? Is it as easy as they make it sound?Well, this is an unbiased review of Power Prospecting created by Daegan Smith. I subscribed as a Gold member for 12 months and know everything about this system. I will give you the pro's and con's of using Power Prospecting and then let you decide.Let's start with the pro's:- Daegan Smith is very knowledgeable when it comes to internet marketing. His knowledge is what makes Power Prospecting worth the membership fee. He is a good teacher and if you follow what he teaches you will do very well.- The Gold membership gives you access to Daegan's ads that he has personally run with his results. This is great since he has already done the testing.- There are a lot of g
reat resources they've added to the back office of Power Prospecting- Daegan Smith takes care of building the relationship through emails. In other words, you don't have to worry about emailing your list every day... Daegan does it for you.- The ebook that you sell through the funded proposal sysytem has some really good information in it. And it provides a solution for many problems that network marketers face in the industry.What about the con's:- The Power Prospecting System is outdated. The software lacks a lot of features and functions that people need in order to build a business.- Daegan makes it seem like you can build a business without getting on the telephone yet they hold live prospecting calls? Seems a little contradictory if you ask me. The truth is that you will always need to get on the phone to build any kind of true residual income in network marketing.- Power Prospecting is a funded proposal system. This is the idea that you can fund your advertising and l
ead generation by selling an ebook to other network marketers. Then you are suppose to build your real business on the back end. While this sounds good in theory, it really isn't that great. You are really just an affiliate of Daegan Smith's book. Yes, you can try to pitch your opportunity on the back end, but just think about it- everyone that you are getting as leads are wanting to do the same thing so what makes you think they will be interested in your opportunity? They won't. Thus, you are NOT building residual income at all. The system falls apart.- As mentioned in the last paragraph, Power Prospecting is really a glorified affiliate program. You are NOT building residual income. The only people building residual income are Daegan Smith and his partner Michael Anderson through the membership fees.In conclusion, I believe the true value of Daegan Smith's Power Prospecting System is found in the training. Daegan Smith does a superb job training people how to market their
business on the internet. If you are interested in becoming a great internet-network marketer then I would subscribe just to get his training.But, the actual system is lacking. In theory funded proposal systems sound great. But, in reality they don't work very well. You will not be able to build true residual income using a funded proposal system. Yes, you will make a little money from selling an ebook and you will build a list of networkers (which is great), but you will find it very difficult to grow your REAL network marketing business on the back end.So what is the answer? You need the entire package. You need to be part of an opportunity that uses direct response marketing principles and plugs you into a proven system that actually helps you build residual income.

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