Thursday, August 30, 2012

Use Bookmarkers to Save Your Book

Treating your books, whether they are new or used, with care will give you more reading enjoyment in the future. Many people will read the same book more than once and keeping the book in good condition makes it easier to read again later. This applies to paperbacks and hardcover books. Reading a used paperback or used hardcover book that has dog-tagged pages, broken spines or loose pages takes away some of the reading enjoyment.The use of a book marker will help prolong the life of your book. Choosing a style that is flat and thin is best. These will not bend or deform the book or pages. Avoid thick or round ones, these will not allow your book to close properly. Paper, laminated, cloth, plastic and very thin metal are good choices for book markers. Avoid using gem clips or book markers that clip on the page. These will leave impressions on the page if left too long. They can also tear the page if removed improperly. If you prefer metal pick one that does not corrode or rus
t. Some people will use scraps of paper as book markers. This is good if you don't have a book marker. The problem with scraps of paper is they are often small and get lost when pulled from the book. If you enjoy reading and are paying for the book, having a good book marker is a must to keeping the book in good condition.Don't use paper clips. These will rust and deform or leave impressions on the pages. Never dog-tag or fold the corner of the page. This will cause the page corner to break off over time. This will also cause confusion as to which page you were on if more than one page is left dog-tagged.Book markers have another function other than marking your page. They help control your reading. Many with dyslexia have found using a book marker to guide their eyes helps them read. Book markers help control concentration by leading the eye along the sentence instead of letting it wander.Book markers are easily found and come in many sizes and styles. Find one or two that
you are comfortable with and enjoy it. Many have pictures, quotes or sayings on them that in themselves fun to look at or read. Save your new book so you or someone else can enjoy it as a used paperback or used hardcover book later.

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