Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Ugly Secret of Honor Killing Uncovered in Fast Paced Action Novel

I was engaged in a general discussion about cultural differences when a friend introduced the topic of honor killing and mentioned a novel he was reading in which honor killing was a central theme. I borrowed a copy of Light of the Desert by Lucette Walters and was quickly swept into a world of adventure and mystery that kept my interest from beginning to end.Honor killing is a secret and ancient practice that exists among conservatives in Middle Eastern culture. This tradition allows men the right to kill their daughters or other female relatives without impunity if it is believed the woman has dishonored the family. Lucette Walters was very moved by a news account of an honor killing and researched the subject. The result was a strong desire to bring this horrendous act out into the open which she has done with her novel.The main character in Light of the Desert is Noora Fendil, the favorite daughter of an influential Middle Eastern businessman. Noora is drugged and placed
in a compromising situation by her jealous younger sister, Zaffeera. Fabricated evidence of Noora's "moral crime" is shown her father who attempts to restore the honor by drowning his daughter. A brother hauls his sister away, under the guise of burying her, and brings her back to life and Noora goes into hiding.At one point in the plot the author hits heavy on the theme of forgiveness, using a wise woman name Ahna who gives this advice to Noora during her time of exile. "Forgiveness is not easy but it is something we must practice every day of our life, if we are to live again. You can only reach forgiveness through gratitude - gratitude for your life ... And compassion for those who have done evil. And from that comes the strength to never let it happen again."I really enjoyed reading this fast-moving account of Noora and Zaffeera and of this ancient practice of honor killing that still exists today in the Middle East, Turkey, India, South Africa and in the U.S.By Emory Da

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Review of Vurt by Jeff Noon

It's a testament to the quality of writing when some authors put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard, but that's not nearly as evocative nor poetic) and start writing you a world where you have very little idea what is going on, but you also don't care. Cormac McCarthy can do this for me. Some writers just construct sentences of such staggering quality that you are pleased to have to opportunity to fondle them with your eyeholes. Jeff Noon doesn't quite manage this in Vurt, but he's not too far away, either.He comes out of the fine tradition of British authors who write in a form of staccato, clipped street/drug argot. The pacing is surprisingly fast, half the words seem made up or used in some unexpected context. Noon reflects the traditions of Anthony Burgess or Irving Welsh (writers of A Clockwork Orange and Trainspotting, respectively). The writing is simple, rapid-fire and nearly impenetrable. There are few writers who manage their written voice to sound so much like the
characters he is writing. The prose in Vurt comes at you like listening to a coked-up Robin Williams yak at a mile a minute. At no point does it feel like his characters are taking a breath, they always seem to be on the verge of the next busted drug deal or Vurt trip gone wrong.He imagines a future world (I assume it takes place in the future because of the technology he describes, but Noon doesn't make much of a point about the timeline) where people ingest feathers in order to enter some sort of communal dream world with a computer-like control of the levels. The different color feathers take the user to different levels of the dream, with some of the rarest (strongest) feathers taking the user to a deeper, stronger and higher access level of the dream.It's confusing and Noon never does too much to disabuse us our confusion. Somehow it doesn't really matter that much. I can't say I put the book down feeling good about what I just read, or knowing a lot about the genesis
of the Vurt-world, but that's ok. He does what good speculative fiction writers do and presupposes some facts about the world as he imagines it and then tells us a story about people to whom we may or may not be able to relate. Staying in the tradition of British counter-culture writers, I didn't really like any of Noon's characters. They were conflicted and not very good.The protagonist, Scribble, was very convoluted; he was driven to save his sister from a Vurt-dream gone bad, a dream that he was responsible for bringing her into. But Scribble was also selfish, venal, manipulative and incestuous. I found myself still hoping he would rescue his sister, not because I cared about his happiness or "relationship," but because I hoped it would help me understand what was happening in the story and why.Don't misunderstand my initial comparison, Noon is not writing McCarthy quality prose, but he does write very compelling passages that pull you along with their rhythm and pacing.
The world isn't very well explained, but that's also ok. If you can put aside that your inner 5-year-old and ignore him always asking "why?" then this is a good novel. It's a challenging book to read but only because you have to slog through so much confusion before you have a handle on what is happening. Vurt reads like the freshman novel that it is. It's rough around the edges and lacks the polish that unfortunately homogenizes so much mainstream fiction. It yanks you into the middle of the action, mashes its foot down on the accelerator and suggests that you kindly hang on. It is interesting and fresh and I recommend it, with all the caveats and warnings I've already listed.

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A Look at George Carlin's Book "3x Carlin - An Orgy of George"

This is the pinnacle of all that is George Carlin. You get three of his published works in one! Its a very easy read , great for when you have some down time to get a couple of chuckles in on a stressful day.This book is huge and has plenty of content that won't take much of a time investment. like I have mentioned in my review , you can pull it out when you have a free minute and read a little here and there. My favorite thing to do with this book is to flip to a random page , so you don't have to treat this as a "Book" in the traditional sense. Just a fun flip through to make your day.I'm a huge George Carlin fan and I wanted to get some of his written work to enjoy, especially since he is no longer with us. I have seen all of his HBO specials and all of them made me think and laugh. The same rule applies with this book , I always pulled this book out when I had a free minute between classes in college or a ride home on the train. I highly recommend this to anyone that like
s to ask the big questions like..."When your rub your eyes real hard do you see that checkerboard pattern? What is that?" (Hyperion. "Naplam & Silly Putty")One of the greatest comedians of all time managed to get all of his ideas down on paper. George Carlin known most notably for his live performances, also has a ton of material that wasn't used live. From short one liners to pages of scrutiny about airport security. There's no better way to get inside George Carlin's head than his written work and audio books. One the reasons I like Carlin so much is that he was so aware of the language we use everyday. He was able to pick it apart and show us how silly we really are.

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Small Business Marketing Review - The 80/20 Principle Part Two

With this article we conclude our two-part review of Richard Koch's The 80/20 Principle. We focus on Chapters 5 and 6. We do recommend reading this entire well-written book, but since we are trying to follow the 80/20 rule, we are only focusing on the 20% of the content that supplies 80% of the small business marketer's return on time value.Chapter 5, "Simple is Beautiful", reaffirms an essential theme that many small business owners are already intimate with: simple creates more profits. Koch supplies evidence to this fact, but most of us in small business have seen this truth again and again. Creating complexity just makes for less money in our pocket. It's the kind of common-sense that we need to hear reaffirmed; however, as we all tend to make things way too complex. Koch has a couple of very simple guidelines for us:First, focus on what we are best at: "...decide which is the part of the value-adding chain...where your company has the greatest comparative advantage--and
then ruthlessly outsource everything else." (p. 89). Although Koch is applying this process to the entire company, a small business marketer must adapt this same thinking to her own promotional and marketing and branding efforts. It's important to identify what you, as a marketer, are best at and then hire out the rest.The second good insight in Chapter 5 is to "Cultivate the simplest 20 percent. Refine it until it is as simple as you can make it." (p. 91) Marketers must make our message simple and not just easy but effortless to understand. Customers must know your message well enough to articulate it back to their friends and family.This chapter also holds a wonderful illustration of the power of a simple graphic to explain a numbers-based idea. Look at the bar chart on page 97 and you instantly understand the point he is making. Next time you are preparing marketing materials that show benefits to your customers, you might look at this simple way of illustrating a point.
(You'll be able to add color to pump it up a little more.)Chapter 6, "Hooking the Right Customers", contains this advice: "If the product range is extended into too many new areas, or if the obsession with customers leads to recruiting more and more marginal consumers, unit costs will rise and returns fall." As Chief Marketing Officer, you can affect the type of customer your company attracts. In the long run this ability to select profitable customer is one of the most important decisions you can make.Koch has another insight for marketers: your unique product or combination of products set you apart. If you don't have this you must use innovation to develop new products. (p 104) This is close to what Scott Bedbury mentions in A New Brand World. This simple truth is often overlooked in much of the advice geared toward today's corporate marketer.But the small business marketer is close to management and the customer. You can work with both to develop products that make money
for the company and provide value for the customer.Finally, page 116 and 117, Koch's "Five rules for decision making with the 80/20 Principle" are a worthwhile read for any of us faced with "so many decisions, so little time".In The 80/20 Principle Koch has written a book worth underlining, highlighting, and writing in the margins. It's the type of work we recommend you pull down every six months for a quick self-diagnostic and review. But, just focus on those "vital few" sections of the book that can gain you 80 percent of the results, in 20 percent of the time...Remember: Brand (who you are) + Package (your Face to the Customer) + People (customers and employees) = Marketing Success.© 2006 Marketing Hawks

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The Making of a Legend J Earl Shoaff Author of How to Become a Millionaire

J. Earl Shoaff is truly has an inspirational story of rags-to-riches. Nicknamed The Millionaire Maker, J. Earl Shoaff created an empire called the Nutri-Bio Corporation and became a millionaire in only four short years.Born March 21, 1916, J. Earl Shoaff came from a poor farming family. During the Great Depression while he was in the ninth grade, he decided to drop out of school so he could work and contribute financial support to his family. Shoaff was born with a heart condition and when he became old enough his service was denied by the military during World War II. Instead J. Earl Shoaff decided to become a medical volunteer with the American Field Services. His role was an ambulance driver and medical corpsmen; positions that required him to be in constant combat duty. Unfortunately, these roles would cause permanent damage that would lead to his premature death later in his life.From the day he was born, he was not expected to survive because of his heart troubles. As h
e settled into adulthood he decided to adopt a personal motto: "Earl, live each day as though it were your last due to the fact inside your condition, currently might be all you have!" And Earl did just that. Starting out as an "average joe" he took into business what he learned in his former life on the farm: weeds, reaping, sowing and tending gardens. Before his death at the age of 49, J. Earl Shoaff was the head of several corporations and was an inspirational speaker that changed countless of lives.Not a whole lot more is known about the life of Shoaff, The Millionaire Maker. However, anyone who has studied the success of Shoaff has heard of Jim Rohn. J. Earl Shoaff was a personal mentor to Rohn, who is now very wealthy and successful himself. Rohn has made it his mission to share with the world just how much Shoaff changed his life. Just like Shoaff, Rohn also came from a humble background. So what was the secret that made J. Earl Shoaff and Jim Rohn millionaires?Shoaff
being a public speaker shared his message with millions. And thankfully one of those speeches was recorded and discovered in California. The audio is called How to Become a Millionaire by J. Earl Shoaff. The How to Become a Millionaire CD is the only recording from The Millionaire Maker himself. Even though the speech is from 1962, it is still changing lives today. Everyone wants wealth. Struggling year after year to make ends meet isn't living - it's surviving. If you want stop surviving and finally live, you need the How to Become Millionaire audio. The actual words, message and voice from Millionaire Maker - who made it, despite all the odds against him; this can be your life too. If you want success, then you must follow those who have been successful. For over four decades, the words of J. Earl Shoaff still hold true today and after four decades, he is still changing lives.

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Conveyancing Solicitors - Work With the Best

When you are buying property, you always dream of the perfect situation where everything is simple, and gets over really quickly. However, in the mad world of today, caution is the reality. You need to be very careful about who you are dealing with, and what you are buying. Else, you may discover that your life is getting into a messy quicksand full of legal battles that can never get resolved easily. You also need to exercise extreme caution over whom to trust. Gaining trust or even trusting people these days is a very difficult thing.About property conveyancingConveyancing mostly deals with the legal issues in verifying the transfer of property rights. It involves in identifying whether the buyer of the property has the complete rights over a piece of property, and has the right to sell it as well. It also involves in dealing with various legal aspects to ensure that when you buy property, the costs that you are incurring is viable and just. These laws help you make sure th
at the transfer of various utilities in houses, when you purchase them, is also legally yours.Hiring professionalsYou can hire conveyancing solicitors from some reputed firms for this. It is the job of these solicitors to ensure that your dealings are legal, fair and complete. They make sure that the seller is a trustworthy person, and is really the rightful owner of the property. They also help you to find out what the property is really worth. If the property is being held due to some unpaid mortgages or other liabilities, you will be able to know by the expert services of these professionals. They have access to a wide number of legal sources and connections that help them in determining these things. They also tell you what kind of documents you must ask from the seller, so that if in future any conflict arises, you will be able to prove that you are the rightful owner of the property.Move with cautionYou must be very careful though, while hiring a conveyancing solicitor
. Don't get into the traps laid out by firms that are not very well known, just because of their seemingly low conveyancing fees. Sometimes, these forms may not be completely ethical. They may hire solicitors who are unlicensed, and don't have the authority to perform these services. They may even quote you low fees, but secretly hide certain costs. Thus, when you get the bill, you feel completely baffled, not to mention cheated. And at that time, there is nothing really that you can do.You can ensure that you get the best property conveyancing services by researching various companies, and asking for a conveyancing quote. You will then get a fair idea of what you will be charged. Good companies always mention all the various kinds of costs involved in their quotes. Thus, you will get a fair idea of what you can expect, and what is missing from the quotes of other companies.

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An Almanac for Dads - Get Out? A Book Review for Any Father

Well, no one's parents are perfect, but what if you could be the perfect dad? Listen fathers, I think it is now possible. No, it's probably too late for dead beat dads, but if you have done a pretty good job so far, then perfection is within range. Let me explain, you see, you need the ultimate book designed just for dads:"The Father's Almanac" by S. Adams Sullivan - 1947.Sometimes funny, but always informative, this work is perfect for a father, who has a child, kid or teen and suddenly realized that his offspring came with no information manual. Well, consider this the book for you. The subtitle; "An Indispensable Book of Practical Advice and Ideas for Men Who Enjoy the Fun and Challenge of Raising Young Children." After reading through this book, I have to agree, it is all that and more. There is even a chapter for fathers who will soon be fathers and are quite worried and wondering if they can handle it or not. Most likely they won't get everything right with or without t
his book, but it's a heck of a great start.Chapters include such subjects as dealing with babies, proper discipline, how to play with kids, juggling family with job, providing for a family and the real needs, as well as chapters on special events, working with kids, teaching them, and keeping good records. The end of the book is rich with much needed information, further reading and resources. If you are a day and want to stay on top of your fatherly duties you need this book and you ought to be reading it too.

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Turning Passions Into Profits - Author Christopher Howard

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results" and whilst I am not sure that today people love chopping wood, they certainly love seeing immediate results. Think for a moment about the lives of people around you maybe even yourself and see how the need for instantaneous results dominates our cultural psyche. It is all NOW! NOW! NOW! - We have become like a petulant 2 year old, screaming to whomever will listen - "I WANT IT NOW!" (please feel free to insert whatever IT is for you)That is exactly how I was three years ago when I picked up the book "Turning Passions into Profits" by Christopher Howard. I was excited and motivated reading and re-reading the book, soaking up every word. I decided that I did not want to be a Billionaire and as Chris says 'you can always scale it back'. So I set my sights on achieving the long-term results I wanted and used the tools and strategies as written.Turning Passions into Profi
ts provides specific techniques for closing the gap between where you are today and where you would like to be. In this book, Christopher Howard teaches powerful, innovative tools for modelling and replicating the ultimate success of some of the World's greatest leaders and billionaires.Not instantaneous results but instantaneous change cemented in place for MASSIVE results.With the ability to select and incorporate some of the traits, strategies, thought patterns, and behaviours of those already achieving results, individuals can plot a course and arrive at a chosen destination greater than they ever thought possible.When I look around at my life right now, it is miraculous! Sure there are still things I am working on but the long-term results I have achieved in nearly every aspect of my life far out shine any IMMEDIATE result I could have wanted for myself. I also have the confidence and assuredness that I created it all and will continue to creating even bigger results in
the near future."The more you chase the Holy Grail of short term performance, the less you get in long-term results". Walter Calbot.If you want to create change that will create results you only dreamed possible then Christopher Howard's "Turning Passions Into Profits" must be your next book to read and implement. And you too will have it take prime position on your Book Shelf.

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A Review of Bob Proctor's Program "The Science of Getting Rich"

I've written on this topic before, and now after some months of studying this program what comes to mind now is wow! If you want to get your hands on something that can reallychange your life, I mean really change it, then you have a winning way right here, right now, in front of you and ready for you. And tell you what-i'm willing to bet you might be ready for it too.No questions. Period. This is hands down some of the best material I have ever come across. As bob proctor say's himself this stuff should have been in school programs. And the guy is definitely qualified-he's one of the best in his field. He's been studying this stuff for 50 years, and you know what? He's living the life of his dreams. And he says you can too!In fact he says we all can and we all should. And that it's ok. Just that most of us have been conditioned to believe we can't.Do you believe that you have anything to do whatsoever with what occurs in your life? Do you believe you have any control over wh
at results show up in your life? Or have you thought about this at all, happy to sit on the sidelines as a bystander in your life, simply taking what comes? Maybe too busy paying the bills, doing the things we all do in life? Yes, it's easy to do, but common now, honestly, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to really live?.Well let's get started then. What's this guy and his program about?The guy and the program are all about life. And how you can change yours. If you are interested in the best life you can have. If you want to experience change for the better, and learn how you have control over the results in your life.Bob's program, "the science of getting rich", will grab hold of you and open your eyes to the abilities you hold within you, and the great life you are capable of. That's right, are, capable of, each and everyone of us. We've let our abilities be taken away from us, period. We had them intact when we were children. They were simply conditioned o
ut of us throughout life. We were taught they were'nt important. But we sure felt great back then didn't we? Do you remember the wonderful things you dreamed of when you were a child? The imagination you had? All the things you were going to do and be ? Was there ever any doubt in your mind about any of it? Did life seem great everyday? Now, a question? Do you feel that way now? If so, thumbs up, you're still connected with those abilities and the power inside yourself! You know what though? For most of us these abilities are buried halfway to china. And our lives probably reflect the fact in a lot of ways. Are you satisfied with your life right now? Really satisfied? Fullfilled? Want to learn how to use your abilities and power of your own thought again to create the life you want? Bob's program will show you how. Simple as that.Okay, lets go, now the nuts and bolts of the program:Fact:This guy knows what he's talking about! Look him up-Bob Proctor. See how many Seminars he
's done worldwide. He's Rich. He's successful. He loves his life and what he does. He's helped countless others achieve themselves what he's done through this material-that's his goal. He deserves to be rich-so do you!Fact:This stuff is not new! Bob uses material from Wallace Wattles book "The Science of Getting Rich" (1903) extensively, and has studied it since 1961. EVERDAY. This has been often "secret"knowledge passed through generations of priviledged and influential people of the day.Napolean Hill devoted 20 years of his life studying 200 of the most successful people of his era in the U. S. A. including Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln as research for the famous book "Think and Grow Rich" which is used throughout this program.The "Secret" by Rhonda Bryne, was a result of her reading Wattles book. It worked for her! And she spread it around the world. Countless people worldwide became aware of their potential and are living the life they really want to live! All from the wor
ds in that "little green book".Fact:This is not all about money. Money is a part as most of us have very deeprooted concepts about money which affect our being rich in other areas of our lives. This is about connecting to our abilities to attain richness in all areas of our lives. Money is surely important as it allows us the richness of freedom of time and choice in our lives. It's what money frees up for us. Money is constantly on most peoples minds, or lack of! A lot of us deep down are forever limited in what money comes to us only by our own beliefs. The Science of Getting Rich will allow you to change those beliefs! Learn how it feels when we believe in our ability to create wealth-we all have it, we were born with it.Fact:This program offers many hours of extensive information from one of the best minds in the business. The equivalent of 20 CD's worth of priceless knowledge. Combined with a workbook and interactive capability to communicate with others participating.
All accessible instantly online. Extremely well produced, with with Rev. Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield taking active roles, also two of the best in the business.Fact:Nothing of value is ever for free, however tremendous value is offered here for the price, which is quite affordable and 100% money back guaranteed. These people are very well known and bonafide. What price are you willing to pay for information allowing you to create freedom of time, choice, passion and money in your life? Is the price of a morning cup of coffee for a few months worth a chance to accomplish that? It was for me, and I listen to this material everyday- I like it that much.Fact:I'm just like everyone else out there in a way. I have my own hurdles like the rest, but"living" this material provides the light at the end of the tunnel when the going gets tough. One huge benefit, as this program shows is "you get what you feel". No matter what I encounter now I understand I had a part in bringing i
t toward myself -good or not so good. I know 'where things come from now" and you know what, a lot more good things come than bad now. That's through practicing what I learned. And making feeling good a habit. I'll repeat that. If you make feeling good a habit and practice it long enough, you'll have the ability to spring out of bed each day like when you were a kid, and feel great almost all the time, no matter what is going on in your life. A lot of things we do in life are simply habits, period. You have the choice of practicing habits that help you or hurt you. Your choice. You get back what you are feeling. It works. Ever notice what comes back when you think rotten, depressing, angry, or anxious thoughts? And how quick they come? Thats power! You'll attract every circumstance, feeling, person etc. Into your life that matches these thoughts simply because that's how creation works. Ever attracted anything good when you're thinking that way? That's because it's not possi
ble. Thoughts and feelings are the most powerful things in existence and science has proven this long ago. Everything ever created started first as a thought.Bob Proctor is known as the Master on this, and The Science of Getting Rich will teach you how you can use the phenomenal power of YOUR thoughts, through knowledge passed through the centuries to achieve anything you desire.A little inspiration on the power of thought:Ben Hogan, The best golfer in the world many times running:Fact:Early in his career was involved in a head on collision with a bus. Expected not to live on arrival at the hospital. He did. The best doctors in the country were flown in to save his life. When he did survive, it was the opinion of all he would never walk again. That was not Ben's opinion, however, and he asked that his golf clubs be brought into the room where he could see them as he would be using them again. He was advised not to expect this as would only become dissapointed and depressed.
One year later he was the world's best golfer again.You get what you expect. You get what you put your power of thought into. Do you think that was easy for him? Not likely, but he believed. What he could see in his mind, he could hold in his hand. There was no possibility of otherwise when he focused his thought only on what he wanted. Not on what he didn't want, which would have brought him exactly that. He could not allow it. His thoughts of walking became a habit. He believed he was part of a power bigger than himself, and expected his desire would have to be answered.His ability to achieve what he did is what Bob explains in this program, and much more. We all have such power of ability but get caught up in the day to day stuff and aren't aware anymore. Bob Proctor thinks we are waking up to this in large numbers, and is hoping to help through his work.A little food for thought:Look out the window at the countryside. Every tree, blade of grass, leaf works perfectly all
the time. Growing on it's own. The water flows in the creek. The planets circle in perfect order.Trillions of cells in our bodies perform billions of functions everyday, in harmony with each other. What runs this? What kind of power is looking after this? We can't see the power behind this mind boggling capacity but does that mean there isn't a power behind this? Just because we can't physically see it does that mean it's not affecting us too ? We can't see the Law of gravity can we? Does that mean it doesn't work? Hardly. We can find it does work by taking a look at the results it has upon us. And Bob explains best how the power of our thoughts can be measured in the results in our lives.From: " The Science of Getting Rich Program"-The greatest minds in Quantam Physics have come to a conclusion after decades of study of matter and physics. One has to keep in mind that these are scientists and live strictly on facts. On proven results.-With the ability of particle accelerat
ors they have been able to divide ANYTHING on earth to the point of it being energy alone. One same energy of which everything comes from and of which everything is a part of. Including us. And this energy is affected by thought. This is proven beyond a doubt scientifically. So the thought "if we can hold it in the mind, we can hold it in the hand is scientifically proven". Through the power of thought.Bob Proctor's Program is based on the works of some very fine minds and some very substantial science as well. What a great feeling to have the ability to create the results we want in our life through simply learning to work with our thoughts in ways that are best for us. And he's certainly not alone in this field. This decade trillions have been spent on research on the human mind and brain. Thoughts can actually be measured now with very sophisticated equipment in real time. The proof is before our eyes! The benefits of developing ourselves in this respect can only bring gr
eat things into our lives. What a difference we might see in all areas of our lives if we work on this ability within ourselves and learn from whats available. It's never been easier to improve ourselves than now. The teachers are out there, the material is there, and its only a matter of making a choice to learn so we can create what we truly want in our lives. We do have much control of what comes to us in life.This is a hugely powerful man and program! I can only imagine the number of people he has reached with his material, and what it's done for them.

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The Mystery Genius of Fredric Brown

One of the most versatile authors of all time, Fredric Brown sold more than 300 stories across a diversity of genres such as science fiction, fantasy, hardboiled detective, mystery and adventure. He was a master of the plot twist with a wicked sense of irony that is evidenced in many of his clever story titles.Fredric Brown was born in Cincinnati in 1906, grew up there and worked as an office worker for the first 12 years of his working life. He later worked as a proof reader for the Milwaukee Journal. He sold his first short story Monday's Off Night in 1937 but it wasn't until the next year when his short story The Moon For A Nickel was published in Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine that he took up writing full-time.His first published novel was Mitkey Astromouse in 1941 but his second novel, The Fabulous Clipjoint was the story that launched his career. This was the first book of his celebrated hardboiled mystery series featuring Ed and Am Hunter and earned him
the 1947 Edgar Award for best first mystery novel. The series features Ed Hunter and his uncle Am who are first brought together to solve the murder of Ed's father. Their combination of youth and experience make a strong pairing with unique dynamics that has rarely been matched since.The other six novels of the Ed and Am Hunter series are The Dead Ringer (1948), The Bloody Moonlight (1949), Compliments Of A Fiend (1950), Death Has Many Doors (1951), The Late Lamented (1959) and Mrs Murphy's Underpants (1963).Apart from the Ed and Am Hunter series, Fredric Brown went on to write 16 other crime novels, hardboiled and otherwise. Among the best of these were The Screaming Mimi (1949), Knock Three-One-Two (1959) The Deep End (1952) and my personal favourite Night of the Jabberwock (1950).Fredric Brown's books are well worth reading for anyone who appreciates hardboiled mysteries from the golden era.In 1984, Dennis McMillan began a 20 volume project in which all of Fredric Brown's
best detective short stories that had never before been reprinted were published. These books have since become extremely sought after by fans of Fredric Brown with values skyrocketing. The titles of some of these volumes are indicative of the wit in which Brown chose some of his story titles, to whit, Thirty Corpses Every Thursday, Pardon My Ghoulish Laughter, The Gibbering Night and Three Corpse Parlay.There is enough of Fredric Brown's mystery work out there to keep fans and collectors searching for many years. But the real pleasure is in the reading and Fredric Brown had an ability to surprise his readers completely with some of the most unexpected endings imaginable.

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Web of Deceit Written by Darlene Cox

As you read Web of Deceit, you will know the title is perfect for this story. Darlene Cox has spun a web that any master spider would be happy to claim. Pietr Broknovich came to the United States early in life and changed his name to Peter Brock, the name he used as he worked his way through life conniving even those he seemed to love, and who certainly trusted him. His fellow workers knew Peter as a college graduate with all the necessary law degrees. Peter became one of the senior associates of Morrison and Brock, Attorney's at Law. Jack Morrison accepted him as a man that knew his profession and how to manage money in the most successful ways. Bernie was Peter's way through the office, telling him all that was news as well as the many things he needed to know from day-to-day. He couldn't exist without Bernie, or so she thought. And, in some ways he couldn't.Peter had met Jim Campbell years earlier in Belgium and Campbell eventually had Peter handle his finances. As far as
Jim was concerned, Peter was creating a good fortune for his future, or so he thought. Peter was quite the ladies man making each of his lady friends think they were his own gal. Pauli Catarra fell for Peter head over heels as did Jim Campbell's wife, Delilah Campbell, each feeling they had Peters heart. Peter had his way with both of them but had to be careful. When some deaths strangely occurred unexpectedly, the police started investigating. All became suspects but Peter was such a good partner of Jack's that he seemed above suspicion.All the time, Peter manipulated his clients' funds to different accounts mostly abroad so he had plenty of money for his future. Some strange things occurred within the law offices as well as outside, some involving clients and some involving the clerks. "The plan," as Peter and several others in his life, was being carried out fully without the knowledge of most, a plan that would eventually determine who got what, how, when, and where. Whe
n Jack Morrison discovers some of the things Peter had done, he decided it had been enough and he interceded in Peter's part of "The Plan!" The story is filled with twists but the author does not get you lost. She goes back in time when necessary and explains all she has covered at that point. The ending will leave you satisfied but also looking forward to the next book of Darlene Cox. I highly recommend this book.

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Motivating Children Through Literature - Aurial Blanche 'The Magic Sunglasses'

Motivating a child to strive to their fullest potential is a very important aspect within their personal development. An aspect, which will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives. For this we all need a little help and any assistance is warmly welcome. So now think for a moment, about your children, a child in your class, or even a neighbor's child. Nobody likes to think of a child dispirited, unenthusiastic and despondent. That is why we are signifying Auriel Blanches, amazing book, The Magic Sunglasses.Once exploring the lead character Samantha's journey throughout the book you will see a new child. Imagine now, your child no longer has to feel discouraged, depressed and frustrated from all the set-backs and challenges that he/she faces everyday. Now they can personally and independently pursue every hurdle with a leap and a smile. They just needed a tiny encouragement and motivation, which this fantastic book will inspire!The Magic Sunglasses, written by Auriel
Blanche (regularly known as Angela Buck) - is a motivational book for children aged 7-9. Enabling parents, educators, and child care workers to inspire and educate children to lead healthy, enriched, and enthusiastic lifestyles. Angela Buck, also the founder of "The Magic Sunglasses Project" believes this all starts in the playful, magical world of a child's imagination... "I dream of a worldwide community of children who have learnt how to value themselves and to use their potential, to live personally successful lives and contribute to the success of others" is her ethos and the inspiration for her fun fantasy book.Auriel believes all great achievements start in someone's imagination. With this as her focus, The Magic Sunglasses uses powerful paradigms to give thought to children appreciating their own special values and the understanding that everyone is worthy of success. This book uses an innovative story line and creative illustrations to inspire and motivate all chil
dren.Imagination makes it possible for us to think differently about what is, what has been, and to envisage what may be. It's what enables us to think beyond our perceived normality, to create a world without boundaries or restrictions. Samantha does not limit herself when the super powers from the glasses are in action. When they are no longer with her she is still able to achieve her aspirations.Auriel believes that children should aspire to infinite possibilities, through their imagination. Throughout the book the motivation in a child is brought to life. This innovative dream's and aspirations of Samantha in the book inspires children to pursue their own ideals & dreams. The Magic Sunglasses can give a daily inspirational boost to the child to keep their hopes alive as they face the everyday challenges in the real world. So why not give them a help in hand, by reading them the magic sunglasses as a bedtime story, or simply buying them a little gift to enjoy.Auriel i
nvites children globally to explore their dreams, strive to their potential, to not limit themselves and independently enrich their own lives. With the magic sunglasses, they are free from objective restraints with encouragement to explore possibilities. As they read how another child (Samantha) plays and dreams. They too imagine themselves to be a superstar, singing to the adoring crowds. They too can pretend to be dressing up as a princess or a super hero. They too can imagine being able to eat as many sweets, cookies and ice cream as they like. They can also make play of their own nightmares of witches and goblin, and overcome them with confidence and ambition enthused throughout the book.The meaning and purpose of the magic sunglasses- is fundamentally to motivate a child by imagination and creativity. Make-believe is important to intellectual development and mental health. It is an integral part of childhood. Auriel Blanche is an influential writer and The Magic Sunglas
ses should be in every family household. We hope she will be inspiring and empowering children for years to come.

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History Books

At the beginning of your studies, you will probably have many general questions, such as:oHow did Europe come to dominate so much of modern history?oWas North America destined to become a super power?oDoes the past have any bearing on the world today?oDoes history have any bearing on an individual person's life?Many people enjoy easing into history and historical questions by reading historical fiction. Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is a popular choice and can lead people to further study Renaissance art, culture, and history.History of War Many people begin studying history by looking at the history of warfare. Military History and Maritime History can be fascinating subjects. You can study the wars themselves or the political figures who orchestrated the events.Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940-45 by Sir Max Hastings is a detailed portrait of Winston Churchill. It is a fascinating introduction to England during the modern wars. Learning about the war periods can be di
sturbing. You might have many questions about the very nature of war.Some questions might be:oDoes war define human history?oShould you define historical time periods by the wars that were fought?oIf history is written by the victors, can we ever have a truly accurate account of a war? oCan lessons from history help us prevent future militarized conflicts?Whispers from the Ancient WorldOnce you explore modern military history, you might want to learn more about Ancient History and Civilization. Understanding the roots of civilization is key to a broad historical education. For thousands of years, a liberal arts education was based around ancient history and ancient languages such as Latin and Greek. In the modern era, our knowledge of the ancient world has been enhanced by Archaeology. Books that explore the ruins of ancient buildings and villages offer a fascinating glimpse inside the daily life of the ancients.Another way to see ancient civilization through the eyes of tho
se who lived at that time is by reading accounts recorded by ancient historians. Both The Histories (Oxford World's Classics) by Herodotus and The Peloponnesian War (Classics) by Thucydides are respected accounts of the ancient world. These accounts, however, are not entirely accurate. Historians in the ancient world were not as concerned with making sure every detail of their histories was factually accurate. They wanted to tell stories; they wanted to flatter the people in power. This former inclination to change history troubles some people. They see remnants of this in modern life and it raises many questions:oHave people changed since ancient times?oWere ancient governmental systems better or worse than today's governments?oIs it possibly to find an unbiased ancient historian? What does this say about our own modern historians?oHas the discipline of history improved since the days of Herodotus and Thucydides?oDo any groups or individuals still try to change history to s
uit their purposes?Politics as UsualThe political machinations of the ancient world are just as exciting as the today's Political History. The history of each political system in the world is a long history. Thousands of small cultural movements contributed to the adoption of each governmental system. It is impossible to study political history without exploring Social & Economic History as well. Academic history studies have only been interested in political history for a short period of time. Of all historical studies, it is the youngest. Political history intersects with Cultural History. The questions you will have will be related to culture as well as politics.oWill the two party system in America last indefinitely?oIs democracy the best form of government?oIs an economically successful communist country possible?An Entire World of HistoryToo many people focus exclusively on western history in their studies. There is an entire world of history, be sure you do not fo
cus exclusively on western cultures, such as Britain & Ireland. Make sure that you dedicate at least some of your study time to eastern cultures. There are many excellent World History Texts available. Russia and China are fascinating countries. It is quite easy to get lost in their engrossing histories. Russia and the USSR, 1855-1991: Autocracy and Dictatorship by Stephen J. Lee is a great text to transition your political studies to Eastern cultural studies. You should also investigate some of the faiths of people in the Eastern world. Texts on Buddhism and Hinduism can help you better understand the historical story of people. Religious History Essays are often a source of insight. When you study, you should make note of any questions you might have.oWhy is most history curriculum focused exclusively on Western culture?oShould you study the history of other cultures or just focus on your own?oIs it possible to relate to a history about a people from a different cultur
al background?oShould people study different religions to better understand the faith and culture of a nation?The Basics of History StudyIt is important to amass a collection of Reference material. Depending on what area of study you want to focus on, there are a few books you should have. If you are studying the British Empire, you should get a copy of The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire (Penguin Reference) by Nigel Dalziel. You should augment your studies with as many Journals, Letters & True Accounts, as possible. Reading texts such as Her Own Life: Autobiographical Writings by Seventeenth Century Englishwomen provide a valuable insight into the real lives of people in history. In the end, that is the true value of history. Getting insight into those from the past, from all Countries & Regions, and learning how their struggles can relate to ours is a valuable lesson from history.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

HIV-Muscles: This is the Title of a New Book about One Man's Battle with HIV

Today Lavaine is doing well and able to go about life in a manner which would never have been thought possible in 1986. This was the year which he was diagnosed as HIV+. The first treatment for HIV was called AZT, in 1988.By 1995 other treatments had been developed but with very limited success. At that time much research had been done and it was found that more drugs than just one or two used together could in most cases 'demolish' the HIV to such an extent that it was unable to replicate in the body.This was to save countless lives and those people who are fortunate enough to live in countries where these drugs are available have a very good chance of living with HIV, and not progressing to Aids.The HIV virus is notorious at being able to 'hide' in the human body, so there is no cure. The drugs available are in various classes and although they work in different ways, are formulated to prevent the virus from replicating. HIV attacks the very cells which are there to fight
disease and mop up pathogens which are entering the body every moment. A lack of these cells inevitably leads to infections going unchecked, which in turn lead to serious illness.There are cases of a very small number of people who are resistant to HIV. Some will never become HIV positive, Whilst others who do are very slow to become ill, and are termed 'Lon-term non-progressors.'Perhaps Lavaine is one of these but doctors have always treated him as any other patient, with similar treatments.So the book is available and is downloadable from the website: []. It costs $9.99 and for every book sold 1$ will be donated to Aids Charities.

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Can Breathwork Really Reduce Stress? A Book Review of Breathing Space - For the Modern Woman

Book Review: Rating: AYogis, relaxation experts and Buddhists all extol the virtues of breath for stress relief and claim breath work unlocks health-compromising stress patterns. I've never been able to experience the power of breath, as they say. I take a few breaths and then do feel calmer, sometimes even more centered but to make a daily habit of breathing deeply never appealed to me. Quite frequently, I forget to take the time to breathe deeply.The 2009 book, "Breathing Space: Twelve Lessons for the Modern Woman" by yoga teacher Katrina Repka and yogi master Alan Finger finally opened my eyes (and my lungs) to the potential of breathing techniques.Repka is an early thirty-something woman who leaves her marketing career and hometown of Calgary in Canada to test her merits in New York City. Her friends and family, baffled by her decision, wondered, "How can she uproot herself like that at the time when she should be settling down and starting a family? How could she give up
a good job, promising romantic prospects, and more importantly, us?" Though her motivations were not understood by her family, Repka had been drawn to New York City since childhood. One day, with all her courage and little support, she set off for the big city."My life in Manhattan was supposed to be the complete opposite of my life in Calgary, Alberta. I would be thinner, smarter, happier, hipper. My work would be glamorous, my days and nights filled with excitement and fascinating new friends. I wasn't going to settle for the comfortable routine that had threatened to stifle me in my old hometown." *Once she settled in New York and adjusted to the pace and attractions she discovered that she brought her old Calgary self all the way to New York. Her new, glamorous New York self wasn't as easy to keep on, no matter how many Prada shoes she purchased. Old insecurities and reservations bombarded her, screeching more loudly than the big city's noise. Her old self doubt and res
tlessness was getting in the way. She wrestled with old questions about who she really was and what she wanted her life to be like. The answers, just as they did in Calgary, evaded her.Her frustration continued until she met yogi master Alan Finger. Finger ran a yoga studio in NYC. The studio had many yoga classes and Finger also offered private breathing consultations, that in Repka's case, closely resembled psycho-therapy sessions.The book, Breathing Space, is broken into chapters that focus on different areas of self growth so the reader can quickly go to a chapter of relevance for themselves. Some of the titles are:Focus: The power of breath to help you see yourself clearly; Criticism: The power of breath to erased self-destructive tendencies; Faith: The power of breath to overcome hesitation and connect with your truth.As a woman in my thirties, I found Repka's journey especially relevant to my own journey and quest for a fulfilling life. Repka is self effacing and will
ing to share embarrassing moments and mistakes with her readers but don't be put off by her age. Her explorations, struggles, and victories are common among all women struggling with their identity and for those demanding an enriched life.* Breathing Space: Twelve Lessons for the Modern Woman by Katrina Repka and Alan Finger p. 2

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Why We Suck - A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid by Dr Denis Leary

Denis Leary spares no one in "Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid." In this hilarious book, Leary offends just about anyone that could be offended, and you can add a couple more to that list just in case you forget someone.If you don't like four letter words, if you don't like Leary's type of humor, and if you think day-to-day life in America is just hunky dory, don't buy this book. You won't like it. However, if you enjoy Denis Leary on stage, don't mind almost every page laden with four letter words, and realize that there are a lot of things we do in America that do suck, grab this book, sit back and enjoy yourself as you read Leary's rants on just about everything.You learn a lot about Leary, how he grew up, his family, etcetera. You may also recognize that much of what he discusses comes from how messed up parts of our society have become. Maybe reading this will spur you to change some of the things you do, especially if you don't spend
enough time with your children! Leary's rants on being a parent hit home with some of the people I've seen that really should have remained childless.Leary assaults and insults just about everyone. Anyone who has been in the pop culture news in the last few years is probably mentioned in this book. And for those that are searching for the differences between men and women, search no further. In his no-nonsense style, Leary explains the differences so anyone can understand them. The illustrations on pages 184 and 185 sum these differences according to Dr. Leary up pretty succinctly, the largest portion of a man's brain focuses on sex, while the largest portion of a woman's brain focuses on shoes. Hey, what did you expect from Dr. Leary?Bottom line, if you like Denis Leary's humor, you are going to laugh out loud and enjoy this book. While it is for adults only and would be rated R if it was a movie, just as his stand-up routines are, it is funny and has everything those of us
that are Leary fans look for. Insults, swearing, and practical no-holds barred advice on how things ought to be. Not only is it hilarious, it might just make you think about things as well.

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It's Not About the Bike - Lance Armstrong, A Bull On A Bike

It may be one of the oldest clichés in the book, but Lance Armstrong's life is a classic case of 'never say never' zeal.A powerhouse biker, who went on to wage a silent war against his worst enemy, and came up trumps, eventually. In fact when this invincible and uninvited enemy called testicular cancer, "the bastard," as he disgustingly referred to as, threatened to take away the only love of his life, Armstrong being Arm-strong, decided to go after it, all hammer and tongs. Initially, unaware of his somber condition, Lance used to literally stand and practice hard on his bike, for sitting on his bike made him feel miserable, thanks to the spreading cancer.It was only at stage four Armstrong came to know of his illness and rather than becoming hysterical, he braced toward challenging his enemy head-on. "Give up or fight like hell" became his life-mantra. He went after cancer, with the word 'go'. Like drank 15 glasses of water everyday, instead of 5, though down and out after
the chemo's, he kept a tab on all the doses that was released into his body by the dutiful nurses, when peeing hurt him, he endured the pain thinking that he was throwing out cancer from his system, when he coughed out sticky, tar-like material from his chest, he coped, imagining he was throwing out charred tumors.Life was a suffer-fest for him, literally, but he had achieved mastery when it comes to enduring pain and suffering. He had rode in freezing conditions, wet conditions, to scorching heat conditions; but nothing cease to stop him. He knew he will conquer cancer like the tour de France tours, the most grueling cycling event in the world, and once again would stand on the podium of Tour-de-France triumphantly.However, his high-voltage comeback was met more with skepticism than euphoria. Sponsors, spectators, press all who written him off, couldn't believe his inspirational comeback. He must be on drugs, they said. But Armstrong went on, ignored all the bad-mouthing,
punched above his weight and went on to add two more titles to his credit.His struggle is live example of old saying: tough times never last, but tough people do. Armstrong's 'never dying attitude', his 'passion to perform', his 'do or die' mind-set, is truly overwhelming. Even as a teenager, regardless of the injuries on his head and feet, he kept participating in events. In fact his passion to perform was so much so that he literally made holes in the soles of his running and bike shoes so that his raw wounds won't rub against the shoes.Yet another event that shows off his greatness was, when the nurse ripped of the catheter from his chest, once his cancer medication was complete, rather than dumping it as a bad memory he made it into a memento and stored it in a zip-lock bag.Yes his life is a truly uplifting and inspirational and would leave anyone and everyone thoroughly inspired.

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Can You Attain Wealth in Real Estate - Those Who Tried Died, What About Now?

Due to the real estate bust and mortgage crisis melt-down the global economic climate was changed forever. Folks lost 40% or more of their equity and those who walked-away or were foreclosed on accelerated the damage to the real estate market. With so many people losing so much money and in this economic meltdown, many do not wish to talk about real estate right now.If you are someone who does not want to hear about real estate investing right now, that is fine, but maybe you should read up on it a bit. The best time to buy real estate is at the bottom of the market, not the top. So, let me tell you about an interesting book you should own about real estate:"Absolute Wealth; A Financial Strategy to Last a Lifetime" by Robert Leonetti; edited by Kleine Editorial Services; Published by Big Horn Investments, 2004This book has advice from a gentleman who had made a fortune in real estate and he explains how he did just that. This is not one of those "get rich quick" books on how
to buy up properties by paying off the delinquent property taxes or anything like that, this gentleman is not one of those late-night infomercial kinds that does real estate seminars and sells books, and thus, I am going to recommend this book to you.I have no connection with this guy, do not know him, do not endorse him, but the information in this book is definitely good common sense with some very smart techniques and strategies that any can use who is interested in getting into real estate. So, please consider it for your personal library and put it on the financial shelf with your other investment books.

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The Journey Home - What Near-Death Experiences and Mysticism Teach Us About the Gift of Life

Although the connection is obscured by the drama of the circumstances under which they occur, according to the author near death experiences are another form of mystic episodes.People throughout history have had times when they spontaneously -- or deliberately sought, though religious practices -- felt a deep connection with the Universe, Life, God, Love... however you may term it. It's often called cosmic consciousness.People describe it in different times, but it's evidently a time of extremely heightened awareness of the ordinary world as some form of illusion. Or at least that the ways we view and experience space/time is an illusion, and that beyond it is a fundamental reality given various terms.Of course, the main difference between these types of experiences, which can occur at any time, and NDEs is that the latter are much more dramatic and have elements that can be verified.If a friend tells you they had a profound experience of God while mowing their lawn, you may
or may not be impressed.However, if that same friend suffers a heart attack, goes into a flat line coma but later recovers talking about the Light, you're going to be more impressed. That's especially true if they can accurately describe what happened in the hospital operating room while they were technically dead. Especially if the ER doctors and nurses confirm it.When people have no heart beat, their brain is receiving practically zero oxygen. When their EEGs are flat, their brains have no measurable activity.This is not a state of sleep or dreaming -- which is totally normal and natural -- it's a state where our brains are not even functioning. They certainly should not be able to think in the slightest, let alone go through profound experiences of journeying through a tunnel, meeting dead loved ones and so on.Berman however examines both states by interviewing people he's met through the years. He lets the people tell their fascinating stories in their own words, and how
their experiences changed them.He makes the case that going through these kinds of peak experiences is psychologically healthy, based on how people have changed afterward.He makes the final point that life after death does remain unproven, but that death is a wake up call to live our lives better.I agree, but find it hollow in the face of tragic grief.And at some point, even if we live our lives very well, we'll be faced with the loss of a loved one or, at least, our own death. Then we'll want to know the reality.

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Key to Redemption by Talia Gryphon

Gillian Key, soldier and psychologist, returns in book three with another wicked blend of supernatural antics, romance and sex. "Key to Redemption" by Talia Gryphon brings back a rich cast of paranormal characters including some new ones that add a fresh perspective to the series.Gillian Key, psychologist to the paranormal world is living in Romania with her lover, Vampire Lord, Aleksei Rachlav. His home is now the headquarters for those who are banding together against Dracula and his minions. Her former professor, Helmut Gerhardt, calls and asks her to help him out with some of his needy clients. Aleksei is willing to open his home to them and several arrive including Perrin Garnier, who wears a mask to hide a facial deformity. The Phantom of the Opera is suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Aleksei is naturally upset when he learns that Gillian intends to give him sex therapy. She insists on going through with the treatment and the situation puts a strain on their r
elationship. Can the old world vampire deal with a potential rival? And can Gillian switch to Marine Corps mode when an old nemesis shows up and kidnaps one of her team.This urban fantasy has several subplots and numerous secondary characters to keep track of, but most of the book revolves around Perrin's sex therapy. Jack the Ripper makes an appearance and adds some mystery and action. The story line is original and has a lot of potential. It also has a lot of gratuitous sex, including an all out orgy inspired by a song from the new patient, the Phantom of the Opera. Once again Aleksei has to hold his tongue while Gillian is the focus of everyone's lust. It's not great literature but if you're looking for a hot and spicy escape give it a try. Publisher: Ace (September 30, 2008) ISBN: 978-0-441-01644-0 Paperback: Pages 304 Price: $7.99

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Micheal Webb's Romantic's Guide To Popping the Question Review

The Romantic's Guide to Popping the Question by Michael Webb is a marriage proposal ideas guide for both men and women. The book comes to help people who wish to make a special proposal but just don't know how to do this.The Romantic's Guide to Popping the Question is based on a contest which Michael Webb did. He asked people to send him their proposal ideas and offered a vacation to the person with the most original and creative idea. The offers poured in and he took the 101 best ideas and made a digital book out of them. This is the Romantic's guide to Popping the Question. By the way, the amazing thing was that the proposal which eventually won the competition cost around 20 dollars to make, which makes it clear that as far as proposals go, expensive doesn't necessarily mean better.By using this guide, you should be able to come up with enough creative ideas to develop your own unique proposal and avoid the awful statistic that over 80% of the women and men who were propos
ed to reported that being disappointed with their proposal.The Romantic's Guide to Popping the Question isn't a perfect guide. It doesn't provide a blueprint to the perfect proposal, only creative ideas to build on. But look at it this way, you're going to be spending a lot of money on a ring, you need to make your proposal perfect. In order to do that, I suggest that you use the ideas in this guide as they can light the way to a creative and unforgettable proposal.

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Marketing With Alex

Web promoting was a really small thing years ago, and recently, it has grown to become a huge enterprise for a great deal of folks. Net promotion is the promoting of goods and services using the web for profit.For example, web promoting is this article. What you are reading now, this short article, is an example of internet advertising and marketing.It's not hard to recognize why World Wide Web promoting exists. The World Wide Web is accessed by millions of people on a daily basis and you have the best possibility to possess some clients for what you are promoting. There is surely no greater and less expensive solution to present your items to the globe, than using the internet. Web advertising and marketing can also be critical to your business due to the fact that you can use text, audio, illustrations or photos and even movies to convince the buyer that you are promoting something great and well worth the dollars.Being a professional, 'Marketing With Alex' is increasing mo
re and more each day. I've got to tell you that we've been functioning in online marketing for an extremely lengthy time, for several years, I imagine. I have been generating a fair quantity of cash and all I needed to do was create articles like this one in particular, in a friendly way and employ fluent English.'Marketing With Alex' will most likely get a huge following for quite an extended time, and it's going to certainly evolve to become a worldwide brand in the coming years. For anyone of you that can imagine a huge salary with a little hard work, you too could be your own online promoting company.

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Interview With By Dr Thienna Ho, Author of "Unlocking the Mystery of Skin Color"

Dr. Thienna Ho was born in Saigon, Vietnam, in April of 1968, just three months after Viet Cong Forces attacked that city during the infamous Tet Offensive. Eleven years later, her family fled communist Vietnam in a 50-foot wooden boat carrying 285 passengers. During their harrowing ocean voyage to Indonesia, this vessel was attacked five times by pirates. Less than a year later, Dr. Thienna's family immigrated to the United States and settled in San Francisco. She went on to earn a number of academic degrees, including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Graduate Certificate in Genetic Engineering, an MA in Business Administration, and a Ph.D. in Scientific Nutrition. She also has performed significant additional study in the fields of chemistry, biology, and molecular biology.Dr. Thienna is the founder of THIENNA, INC. She is the World Leading Authority on Human Skin Color. After seven years of independent scientific research, Dr. Thienna solved one of the most endur
ing mysteries on earth that had intrigued scientists for centuries-the causes for the variation in human skin color! She is here to talk about that work and her new book "Unlocking the Mystery of Skin Color."Tyler: Welcome, Thienna. I have to admit I'm very curious to talk to you because you claim in your book that people have the ability to change or control the color of their skin. To begin, will you tell us how you first discovered this possibility?Thienna: Thank you for having me here today. It is a treat. Tyler, this question is a very emotional one for me to answer as my mother just passed away last year and I want you and everyone to know how much I love her regardless of what I am about to say. I must admit I am very embarrassed to say this, but I was envious of my mother and siblings for having been born with beautiful light complexions, and I was the only child born with dark skin in the family. Since I was about four years old, I already knew that neighbors and
friends always praised them for their beautiful fair skin but not mine. I learned at an early age from my family that my dark skin looked "dirty and unclean"-because my skin tone was so uneven that I counted at least seven distinct shades and the skin on my elbows, knees, feet, and ankles was embarrassingly alligator-like, rough, thick and dark ashen gray in color. I actually hated my skin. Every time, I looked at my mother, I longed to have her beautiful fair skin.During my adult years here in the U.S., I tried every skin product under the sun to lighten and even out my total body complexion, but these products only darkened my skin color even more! When I was studying microbiology at San Francisco State University as an undergraduate student and genetic engineering as a graduate student, I was disappointed to discover that scientific research had not reached the stage that would help me to alter my skin color. I was so frustrated that I made it my mission to learn everythi
ng I could about the science of the human skin so that I could solve my own skin problems and eventually help others who had the same problems that I did and this was how I solved the mystery of human skin color.Many people are skeptical that I was born dark. I must say I had to have a problem to solve a problem and to passionately see the world the way I see. People said, "Vietnamese people are not dark" and if I were dark it was because I must be hanging out in the sun! And when I moved here, the weather is colder so I would naturally get lighter or get back to my natural color. Well, this did not apply to my case. See the photos in my book and on my website /thiennaphotos.html of when I was 12 years old and a photo taken with my brother when I was 18 years old. There was not much of a difference in my skin color after six years of living in the U.S. and I did not expose myself to the sun. Even when I was 30 years old, my skin color was the same from avoiding the sun.In my
book, I will prove to you that genetic heritage, solar radiation, and how close you live to the equator, do not have as important an influence on the development of skin color as we previously believed. You will learn that not all people native to the equator are jet black and not all people native to the Polar Regions are exactly white. Thus, living under a sun-deprived environment will not guarantee the development of light skin. You can cover your body up all you want and avoid the sun; you will still be dark unless you know my method!Tyler: And what is the secret, Thienna? How does a person change his or her skin color?Thienna: One of the most important factors in the determination of skin color and one that is commonly overlooked is the amount of sulfur in your skin. When skin of any color has less sulfur available for its use, it develops a darker shade. When skin of any color has plentiful supplies of sulfur available for its use, it develops a lighter shade. Thus,
by changing the amount of sulfur in the pigment-producing layer of your skin, you can change your skin color!What I must point out here is we need sulfur to survive. Sulfur is a natural mineral that is as fundamental to life as water and salt are. It is the eighth most abundant chemical element in all life forms and the third most abundant mineral in your body. You cannot live without it. Sulfur is found in every cell in your body. Your body needs sulfur to create skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, and teeth. Without sulfur, your body cannot regulate its blood sugar or transmit messages from one nerve cell to another. Your body also requires sulfur to digest, absorb fat, and to excrete cholesterol. Therefore, factors in your lifestyle and diet do affect the amount of sulfur that your body uses.In my book, I teach people how to enrich their diet with sulfur-rich foods and how to adopt behavior patterns that will maintain high sulfur levels in the body in order to lighten one
's skin color or to maintain a flawless complexion.Tyler: Thienna, I admit I've never heard sulfur discussed when we talk about minerals and vitamins and our body's makeup. Why haven't we heard more about sulfur in the past? What is an example of a sulfur-rich food?Thienna: Sulfur is not extensively studied in human nutrition. It is solely required by your body to neutralize and eliminate toxins to keep you HEALTHY! Your survival depends, I believe, strictly on how well you combat poisons/toxins before they damage your tissues which could potentially lead to chronic illnesses or cancers and what not. It is one of the most overlooked essential nutrients for our body. Why we have not heard of it? Haha... That is a great question. Example of a sulfur-rich food is cabbage.Tyler: You said a person's distance from the equator doesn't make a difference in their skin color. Are the diets of certain people, such as Europeans, more full of sulfur than those of people in Africa? Is
geography in any way responsible for skin color?Thienna: Diet and lifestyle of the Europeans play a good part in the development of their skin color but more importantly the secret is in the book. There is a loophole that helps them save more sulfur for the body.Geography is not at all responsible for the outcome of skin color. Take for instance, 2 population groups: one lives at 4,500 feet above sea level and the other at 8,000 feet above sea level where every 1,000 feet, there is a 6% increase in the intensity of UV radiation. You would assume that the group that lives at 8,500 feet would have darker skin but this is not the case. As a matter of fact, the group who lives at 8,500 feet has white skin and the group who lives at 4,500 feet above sea level has brown skin. I am referring to the cases in my book-the Hotan and the Hunzakuts. These are not isolated incidences. There is no lack of variation in human skin color no matter where you look. To sum up, as long as the s
ulfur intake outweighs the toxin intake, light skin development is favored regardless and visa versa.Tyler: Thienna, how radical of a color change is possible? Can a South African be made to look like someone from Finland or vice-versa?Thienna: From my own research and feedback from people who have been practicing my Natural Fairskin Method for the past 2 years, people got many shades lighter, like myself. For example, they can go from a brown to a light brown, a dark olive to a light olive and light olive to the light range in a period of 12 to 18 months. As for me, I have been practicing my method for 7 years; I was able to go from a dark olive to the light range. As of today, I cannot say that my Natural Method can make a South African to look like someone from Finland or vice-versa because people are still testing the method and only time will tell.Tyler: What sort of evidence is there that this change is possible?Thienna: There are many intriguing scientific eviden
ces in my book, which show you that skin color is not fixed and the skin lightening process could be a very recent phenomenon (recent would mean a few thousand years). Take for instance, recent genetic research showing that the ancestors of modern Germanic people did not have light skin. Visual evidence left by artists 10,000 years ago from caves in France show men with dark brown skin hunted light brown deers. Other fascinating evidence can be seen in recent research of short lived creatures! Believe it or not, research showed that even a single nutrient can affect the color development of the furs or coats of animals! You have to wait and read my Nature's Proof from my book. It will knock your sock off!I am also a proof right here and people who have used my method can testify to this too. And whether you have used my method or not, you may have unknowingly directed the development of your own skin color to a certain degree! Some people do get lighter with age and some peo
ple get darker with age.Tyler: You claim to have lightened your own skin. Will you tell us a little bit about this change and how much of a change you actually made?Thienna: Well, people often thought that I was Cambodian but now they think that I am Japanese. It is definitely a visible change! I do apologize if I offended anyone with labels. I must say skin color is one of the hardest and most touchy subjects to talk about and I am always in the line of fire. I hope people will understand where I came from, why I did it, and not be judging me before they read my book. I am glad I was born into this perfect situation which has propelled me to solve one of the most puzzling scientific mysteries on earth.Tyler: What are the most common reasons why people use this change of skin color?Thienna: For esthetic reasons and I will leave it at that. It is the same like someone likes to have a tan.Tyler: Thienna, without meaning to offend anyone, may I ask if people have reacted
to your work as having some sort of racist agenda?Thienna: Absolutely! They think my work is evil. As evil as the theory of evolution! As you know, science has no moral judgement. If we stray from logic, we cannot solve anything.Tyler: That's a perfect response, Thienna. Of course, we have heard of white men who dress as black men to see if they are treated differently. In your own experiences, have people treated you differently than they used to because of your lighter skin? May I ask why you think your family even made your skin color an issue?Thienna: Tyler, this is a very interesting question indeed. To be honest, in my own experiences, I never had any problems whatsoever with how people treated me when I had a dark complexion. People genuinely love me and I can feel their love and kindness. However, it is strange enough to say, but many women just do not like me when I am lighter. I am sure it is nothing new whether I am dark or light, there is a war among women si
nce eons which I will not go into. As for men of color, I will not comment on this as I can only listen, learn, and provide solutions that would help us all.Again, I love my mom greater than the ocean, the sky, and the stars altogether and I would go to the ends of the earth for her in life and in death. When she left me, she took my heart and my soul. My mom is my everything but she is not without flaws. As to my dark skin color, I truly believe it was not intentional and not directed toward me at all. But if you are growing up hearing how dark skin is dirty, eventually, you know you are dirty as well. That is as much as I want to share for now. Maybe one day I will tell my story. I must say I am proud of myself. With struggles come rewards. I would not change anything and I don't have any regrets. Although I do hold grudges through eternity. Anyway, this is the spice of life. I live, learn and see life with all its beauty and its ugliness. This is what makes life the more
interesting and beautiful.Tyler: What methods can be used for people who are aging, concerned with such signs of old age as liver spots?Thienna: They can practice my Natural Fairskin Method and their liver spots will naturally lighten. My Natural Fairskin Method utilizes diet and lifestyle alone without the use of toxic chemicals, drugs, or steroids to undo any skin problems. Some may say...well, I do not want to get lighter than I already am. I want to emphasize that you need sulfur to keep your skin clear and vibrant. To have a therapeutic skin lightening effect, you need a lot and I mean a lot more sulfur in your diet. In a nutshell, if you have a great surplus of sulfur in the body after the body uses the sulfur for all the necessary biological processes, the sulfur can then be allocated to your skin. Skin lightening is a side effect of a high sulfur intake. This is why you can control your own skin color development depending on how much sulfur you give your body an
d how much you save for use by your skin. If you do not want your skin to lighten, do not eat too much sulfur! But eat enough to keep your skin nice and clear into your old age!Tyler: What about people who have suffered from serious skin damaged from sun exposure over the years. Is there hope for them?Thienna: Damaged skin, either from toxic chemicals, poisons generated from the body or sun-damaged skin, is very difficult to correct. However, people can use my method to undo the damage to their skin to a large degree and restore its youthful vibrancy. Using toxic chemicals to correct the damaged skin may make the situation worsen in many cases. Chemical peels and other methods such as microdermabrasion may help correct the damaged skin to some degree but people still need to change from the inside out so the underlying problems will not surface again.Remember, what you put in your body, on your body, or what affects your body from your environment will affect the mechanis
m that controls your skin health and its color. It does not matter where the source comes from; in the end, toxin is toxin and the body will use sulfur to clear toxins from the body, leaving less sulfur for the skin which in turn affects your skin health.Tyler: Having a tan and using tanning salons has been a big fad in the United States in recent years, yet we are constantly warned about skin cancer. Is there another way to tan the skin naturally?Thienna: Yes. There is a chapter in my book about how to use diet to tan your skin naturally. There is no need to expose your skin to the dangerous UV rays! Indigenous people of the world are always darker than their modern counterparts in the developed world. You will have to read the book to see what they do to achieve their dark complexions and maintain their dark complexion for thousands of years even if they live in sun deprived environment!Tyler: In referring to indigenous people, did you find in your research that any pr
evious cultures had the knowledge you have found-that some ancient culture perhaps had worked out the secret of skin color?Thienna: Definitely ancient cultures do have the wisdom and the knowledge as to how to keep their skin color light but they do not know why scientifically. For instance, to make the skin lighter, ancient Egyptian women bathed themselves in milk. The Tibetans would avoid eating butter, the South Indians would avoid drinking black tea, for the Chinese, don't eat too much soy sauce if you don't want skin of the same color, etc...In this book, I show you the science behind "the how." Any questions that you were curious before are all in this book. Even if the answers are not written in this book, the book will speak for itself effortlessly.I have to point out that sulfur has been used since the ancient times to treat skin ailments. What I found that was truly interesting to me was how sulfur is portrayed in Ancient Christianity. Christianity conceptualized
sulfur as the fuel that produces the fire of hell and in the New Testament, Hell is called the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Sulfur was known in the ancient time as a substance that cleanses pollution and purifies the sin.Tyler: Thienna, you also comment that the poorest countries tend to have the darkest skinned people. Why is this?Thienna: Your body's toxin-clearing mechanisms greatly depend on sulfur... Meaning whatever you put in your body, on the molecular level, it will affect your sulfur status. Changes in your skin color are the result from changes in your environment, diet, behavior, lifestyle, culture, tradition, cooking methods and emotional and psychological factors such as stress.I discovered that, everything else being equal, a population group exposed to relatively low levels of toxins over a long period of time will have a lighter skin color than a comparable group exposed to high levels of toxins over the same period. Toxins rob the body of sulfur, which
leaves less sulfur for the skin.This is why skin color is not uniform within a population group either. This is difficult for me to say but the wealthy, high status people often have a lighter complexion than the less wealthy people even if they share the same genetic makeup. City people are also lighter than their ethnic counterparts. This is not just my observation but skin scientists also observed this phenomenon. (I must warn people about our discussion. It could be really disturbing?.Tyler: You promise, Thienna, to give us the answers to some intriguing questions, including why do some African-American celebrities seem to get lighter over time. I have to ask, what do you think has happened to Michael Jackson's skin color?Thienna: Some African-American celebrities do get lighter over time because money and status take a load of stress off their body, mind, and soul. They eat and live well and also do what they passionately love. Fewer toxins bombarded their bodies. T
hus, these factors naturally enhance the development of lighter skin color. When we do not have money, it does not come with just the emotional and psychological stress of everyday life but we eat cheap and malnourished foods laden with toxins. (If you listen to the latest news...foods and merchandises from cheap retail outlets are packed with poisons!-I'm not going to name names-and who are the buyers?) Our skin naturally gets darker with time and if we keep on this pattern from one generation to the next, the skin of population groups just get darker and darker overtime until it reaches equilibrium. Let me explain something very important here. Most of us are taught as a fact that the sun is one of the major contributing factors that affects how your ancestors and you develop your skin color and that is...the closer you live to the equator the darker your complexion and the closer you live to the North Pole the lighter your complexion. This is not so! Skin color is not uni
form worldwide wherever you look. You can remove the sun altogether and you still evolve to have a dark complexion. Other factors mentioned above (diet, lifestyle, behavior, culture, and tradition) can have as much or greater an influence on the development of skin color than the sunrays and not to mention genetics!As for Michael, I do not know him but I will say this... Michael would have naturally gotten lighter by many, many shades over time with his money and power. That is all I can comment on about Michael.Tyler: I have to admit when I first heard about your book, I felt skeptical about the matter. Will you tell us a little bit about the kind of research you put into the book so we are more convinced?Thienna: The findings presented in "Unlocking The Mystery of Skin Color" are the results of my extensive research in the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, genetics and nutrition as well as my own personal observations and experiences. I applied the strict standard
of scientific method to solve my skin problems and my research is backed by over 500 reputable scientific sources. The advantage of applying the scientific method is that it is unprejudiced. My results are reproducible by anyone who wants to determine whether my results are true or false in human or even animal models. Since 2005, many people worldwide have applied my method and they got the same results as I did. I am very confident to say that I did it. I solved the mystery of skin color!Tyler: Thienna, who has been your biggest influence?Thienna: I have to say that my dad has the biggest influence on me. Because I was born with a dark complexion, my dad always pushed me harder than my other siblings to sharpen my mind. He provided all the vehicles for me to excel since I learned to walk-from music, sport, dance, and down to my education. He made me believe in myself-an immeasurable value that helps me excel both in work and in life.Tyler: Thank you, Thienna, for joini
ng me today and sharing these amazing techniques to change skin color. Before we go, will you tell us what additional information about "Unlocking the Mystery of Skin Color" readers might find at your website?Thienna: At my website (, people can find additional information about my company, what I do and of course questions and answers about the book from readers. I also provide nutritional supplements to assist individuals to obtain a healthy, clearer, and brighter complexion...that is if people cannot follow my Natural Fairskin Diet strictly, they can supplement their diet with my dietary sulfur.Tyler: Thank you, Thienna, for the fascinating information. I wish you lots of luck in your continued research.

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An Appreciation of CC Wilcher's Universal Laws of Healing

My Appreciation of C.C. Wilcher's Universal Laws of Healing, the Contrast Between Healers and PretendersIn 2002 as I searched for answers in my alternative health care education I happened across an impressive book. A 387 page full size treasure trove of information rendered in 1999 by Dr. C.C. Wilcher titled: The Universal Laws of Healing, The Contrast Between Healers and Pretenders.Dr. Wilcher, from Boise, Idaho practices acupuncture, chiropractic and naturopathy. He also teaches patho-physiology, philosophy, homeopathy, and the quantum physics of healing. Wilcher is familiar with many techniques of healing including African, Allopathic, Ayruvedic, Massage, Native American and Oceanic, Oriental, Psychology, Sufi, and Quantum Healing, all which he explains in the book.Wilcher describes how every person is a spiritual (non corporal being), exhibiting an energy potential, inhabiting a mechanical body that is stimulated electrically, reacts chemically but is controlled emotiona
lly, and possesses intellectual capacity. Quite a mouthful but it confirms that most doctors deal with just a small part of the whole person.Wilcher advises that we be careful of a cookbook recipe approach to health care, and that we should be wary of inflexible principles. He speaks of the many heroic medical interventions and treatments that fall short of cure. That often a reductionist formula to reveal disease should be reversed to an expansionist approach to view the quantum possibilities.The Universal Laws of Healing is formatted as a textbook with four levels of text from freshman through senior texts. Each text lifts the student to a new level of understanding, with the final goal of the acceptance of the quantum idea of healing. My favorite quantum example is that of a boy and a log. The cut log weighs more than 2000 pounds and the boy cannot budge it. Yet, once the log is burned the boy can transport it in a bucket. Transformation from and to the spirit is in the q
uantum, Where did the log go?I have examined Wilcher' book three times and each review opens up new vistas on how I might view the world and my clients with fresh eyes and deeper understanding. In my opinion this is a must read for anyone working to understand our quantum connections with the Universe.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

"Multitudes at the Crossroads" author F.J. Colberg: Book Review

F. J. Colberg is a professional counselor and educator. Mr. Colberg is married, has three grown children, and lives in Puerto Rico. He has written "Multitudes at the Crossroads" as a result of his deep involvement with church ministry.Nostradamus step aside, F.J. Colberg has arrived. Powerful and believable is the way to describe "Multitudes at the Crossroads". In these 221 pages, Mr. Colberg cautions us to look to the past for answers about the future. He begins with an explanation about Cycles and their affect on modern times. How history does and will repeat itself is one of his major points.In "Multitudes at the Crossroads" Mr. Colberg explains the Elliot Wave and how it reflects social moods. In one chapter, he discusses the Roman Empire and how those people never dreamed of world domination. The original settlers just wanted a nice place to live and prosper. Then, as time went on, that's when the problems started.Page by page, chapter by chapter, Mr. Colberg explains i
n very much historical detail how the past is coming back to haunt us. He talks about our Economy and The Politics of Oil, the race among the superpowers for the oil reserves, and in-depth coverage of what is going on in these nations, Mr. Colberg makes you aware of future implications of present day actions.In Part II of "Multitudes at the Crossroads," Mr. Colberg brings it all together. He shows how the Biblical teachings and Prophesy coincide with what is happening in today's world such as Israel becoming a souvergn country and the exodus of the Jews. He also shows how we are ruining the planet by destroying all of Nature but how the Bible gives us hope. Hope in the form of a cleansing that will bring forth earthquakes, famines and pestilence in various places. Then he goes on to tell of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Deceit on the white horse, War on the red, Hunger on the black one and on the pale horse rode Death. After this, it is written, there will be a new he
aven, a new earth, the new Jerusalem. In the concluding pages, Mr. Colberg drives his point home with these words: A category 10 hurricane is upon us, the wind blowing from all sides and the seas confused. Your only safe harbor is Jesus Christ. Find a church; discover a whole new life in and with your creator. Or prepare for the worst, eternity awaits us all."Multitudes at the Crossroads" was a very direct, no nonsense look at what the Bible says and what is happening around the world. Colberg hit the nail on the head with this compelling and scary write. Yes, scary even to a believer and good Christian.From the start I could not put it down; "Multitudes at the Crossroads" has all the excitement of the Davinci Code and the Quatrains rolled into one. I give it my highest rating of A+.Multitudes at the Crossroads: Understanding Christian Thought in Light of Today's EventsF.J. ColbergTrafford Publishing (2006)ISBN 1412076080Reviewed by William Phenn for Reader Views (6/06)

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