Sunday, October 28, 2012

Temper Tantrums Open the Door to Creative Problem Solving

The past several decades stand witness to my bookcases filling with a wide variety of books. One shelf appears to support my belief in the power of positive thinking. I do believe that any challenge you face can be overcome.Yes, I am one of those people.There are many books that have inspired, motivated, educated and opened my mind to new ideas and lessons. Some of these books are new age; some old world and some are fiction rich with great story telling and imagination.I recently read Wishcraft by Barbara Sher, recommended by a successful woman and I wanted to know what she knew.I was skeptical at first. If it weren't for the name of the book and the hot pink cover I might have taken this book more seriously earlier. This book is about the art of wishing - or goal discovery and the craft of making it happen through strategic thinking, planning and execution.While reading I experienced moments when I was unsure this was worth my time.Then I read, "Depression is an energy cris
is, and negativity is energy - pure, ornery, high-octane energy." She struck a chord.As a believer in the power of positive thinking, I continue to train my mind to think positive thoughts. Sometimes being positive just takes work and determination. Barbara Sher kicked popularized positive thinking in the can and went so far as to encourage temper tantrums - full-out toddler style temper tantrums. One caveat is that she offers advice as to where and how to have these tantrums so that you don't get locked up or damage relationships, but it all made sense.Okay, so now I am sucked in. I like this lady and my secret desire to throw a tantrum now seems to be surfacing and it feels good. She makes sense. Good old fashioned common sense. She moves you from uncovering your real goals - the ones buried long ago, and maps out brainstorming and barn raising problem solving techniques toward achieving those goals.This is not to say that positive thinking doesn't have value. What Sher of
fers is that if you practice positive thinking without goals, plans, deadlines, structure, community and strong problem solving techniques, all you end up with are happy thoughts.This is an interesting read for anyone at anytime. There are wonderful nuggets of understanding, great tips on developing problem solving processes and goal achievement plans. If you are stuck for any reason in your business or personal development, then this is a good book to pick up and read.And if you are listless, unmotivated or depressed, then by all means, get this book to find out how to have a really great toddler style feel good temper tantrum to get energized and get those creative juices flowing.

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