Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why We Suck - A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid by Dr Denis Leary

Denis Leary spares no one in "Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid." In this hilarious book, Leary offends just about anyone that could be offended, and you can add a couple more to that list just in case you forget someone.If you don't like four letter words, if you don't like Leary's type of humor, and if you think day-to-day life in America is just hunky dory, don't buy this book. You won't like it. However, if you enjoy Denis Leary on stage, don't mind almost every page laden with four letter words, and realize that there are a lot of things we do in America that do suck, grab this book, sit back and enjoy yourself as you read Leary's rants on just about everything.You learn a lot about Leary, how he grew up, his family, etcetera. You may also recognize that much of what he discusses comes from how messed up parts of our society have become. Maybe reading this will spur you to change some of the things you do, especially if you don't spend
enough time with your children! Leary's rants on being a parent hit home with some of the people I've seen that really should have remained childless.Leary assaults and insults just about everyone. Anyone who has been in the pop culture news in the last few years is probably mentioned in this book. And for those that are searching for the differences between men and women, search no further. In his no-nonsense style, Leary explains the differences so anyone can understand them. The illustrations on pages 184 and 185 sum these differences according to Dr. Leary up pretty succinctly, the largest portion of a man's brain focuses on sex, while the largest portion of a woman's brain focuses on shoes. Hey, what did you expect from Dr. Leary?Bottom line, if you like Denis Leary's humor, you are going to laugh out loud and enjoy this book. While it is for adults only and would be rated R if it was a movie, just as his stand-up routines are, it is funny and has everything those of us
that are Leary fans look for. Insults, swearing, and practical no-holds barred advice on how things ought to be. Not only is it hilarious, it might just make you think about things as well.

View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/why-we-suck-a-feel-good-guide-to-staying-fat-loud-lazy-and-stupid-by-dr-denis-leary.html

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