Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days Review

If you've read the book, " Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days" by Grace Melgarejo, then I'm sure you know all there is to know about getting rid of cold sores. But for those of you who haven't, this article may be helpful.We all know that various prescription drugs and medicines have come out which help to ease the discomfort.Their basic purpose is to stop the infection from further spreading throughout your body.So I'm guessing you have already figured out how difficult it is to cure this condition. What makes it worse is that the herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores, tends to stay in the body once it infects you.So frequent relapses are nothing out of the ordinary.Here are a few methods to treat cold sores.o Regularly apply ice before it opens up. This retards the action of the herpes virus. After the sore opens up, use warm water to bring out healing blood to repair damage caused.o Alcohol is a great way to kill microorganisms. Topical use of alcohol helps to get rid of
this condition. Swab the infected area with a cotton ball soaked with alcohol intermittently for best results.o Zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate when applied on it produces favorable results. Do not use zinc oxide, it does not do anything to remove cold sores, contrary to popular belief. If it is a very bad case, then oral dosages of zinc must be taken which must contain 15-25 mg of chelated zinc.o Lysine, when taken orally in doses of 2000-4000 mg per day to get rid of cold sores is also a very effective remedy.But we all know that prevention is better than cure, so make sure you take the necessary measures to prevent an outbreak.

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