Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris

In Timothy Ferris' book called The 4 Hour Workweek, he outlines his methods for allowing just about anyone a way to work 4 hours a week, make upwards of 50,000 a month, and live the life yhe/she wants. As I read the book I kept in mind that most authors are seeking to impress their readers. Well, Mr. Ferris did just that for me. He impressed me with the thought that most of us are living lives preprogrammed without thinking of the practical possibilities he writes about. His unique methods of how to plan and put into action his 4 hour a week plan is amazing. For example, he writes about using the internet as a way to outsource not just work, but parts of his personal life as well. By outsourcing his work, his finances, and parts of his personal life he doesn't want to think about, Mr. Ferris delves deeper into what it actually means to work and live.It also points out the vast possibilities of present and future technology. By utilizing the internet as a way to do business an
d bypassing the time factor by outsourcing, he outmanuevers the old mantra of time equals money. He also bypasses what it means to be rich and live the lifestyle we want without compromise. For example, rather than telling you that being rich equals having lots of money or high net worth, he explains that it's not how much, but what you do with the money you have or make. If you have minimal expenses, and have a only a few passions that require little money, you can be set for life. Of course, most of what he writes about seem very idealistic. But he writes in a way that makes sense to me. Another example of how he has impressed me is his use of outsourcing his life. It made me wonder whether he even wrote the book or outsourced someone else to write for him while he goes and plays around the world tango dancing, fighting (mixed martial arts competitions), or appearing on CNN talking about his Brain Quicken company.All in all, Mr. Ferris has written a very well practical and
usable guide that most if not all individuals reading will be able to positively benefit from, if they take action!

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