Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Book Review of the Secrets to Acupuncture Insurance Billing

Elie Goldschmidt, a fellow acupuncturist, has recently come out with an e-book that I think all acupuncturists should have if they want an easy way to more effectively monetize their practice. The e-book is called The Secret to Acupuncture Insurance Billing: The Secret to How I Earn Up to $300 Per Treatment and So Can You!This is a short, to-the-point manual that you can read in about an hour and start making money from pretty much right away. The e-book is about $30... but could easily add thousands to your bottom line year in and year out in your private practice.Normally I encourage my coaching clients to do as much as possible to build a cash-based private practice. But if you can eliminate most of the negatives of dealing with insurance AND you can ethically and honestly make $3-400 per treatment, I say 'why not??'The beauty of this approach is that it works best if you are out-of-network with the insurance companies. That is perk #1 because being in-network is pretty mu
ch an awful ordeal a lot of the time.Perk #2 is that you can outsource your medical billing to an expert who will only take a small percentage of paid claims. This will eliminate all of the hassle involved in paperwork and follow up, which can be tedious and very time-consuming.Perk #3 is that you really can make this much per treatment! I used to bill as Elie recommends when I took some insurance in my practice and it definitely works.Check out Elie's ebook and learn how to monetize your practice more effectively. This will help you bring more new patients in the door and make quite a bit more money in the process.

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