Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hospice Tails - The Significant Role Animals Play in Our Lives Until the End

Hospice Tails: The Animal Companions who Journey with Hospice Patients and their Families by Debra L. Stang is a short easy-to-read book of 14 stories about hospice patients and their beloved furry and even scaly animals.Hospice Tails is about the significant role animals play in people's lives until the very end.
We learn how King the 100-pound Pit bull-Rottweiler hybrid protects and comforts 95-pound Lisa while thinking he's a lap dog! We read about hospice social worker and author, Debra's ability to overcome her fear of both King and the albino corn snake wrapped around her arm. Pretty impressive for a cat "purr-son!"
We are in awe when Kim, a Vietnam veteran and surgical nurse, reaches out and "sees" her beloved Poodle-mix, Blue, welcoming her as she takes her final breath.
We can't help but laugh when we realize that Hal, who struggles to speak after two strokes, doesn't want to pet the little furry rabbit, he wants to hunt it!
Gus' family shows up at the nursing home with Lightning, his beloved horse. (Yes, you read that right!)
We learn of the significant role Frankie the Chihuahua plays when he leaps higher than he's ever jumped before in order to wake up exhausted caregiver, Alex, before Glenn takes his final breath.And then there's Louisa who has a strict policy of "No animals in the house" Debra is given a lint brush to remove her cat's fur from her clothing before entering Louisa's immaculate house. After Louisa's husband passes, Louisa harbors a secret.
Animals are important family members. Social worker and author, Debra and the hospice nurse know this as they gain the trust of their client after comfort an uneasy Screwball.These short Hospice Tails are inspirational and FUN. Debra serves clients as diverse as the animal family members who play a significant role in helping families cope with the end of life.

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