Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Jack Jacob and the Doomsday Time Machine" by Albert S. Abraham: Book Review

Jack Jacob and the Doomsday Time Machine by Albert S. AbrahamBlue Comet Books (2006)ISBN 097697441XReviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (8/06)"Jack Jacobs and the Doomsday Time Machine" is written by Albert S. Abraham who works in aerospace engineering. Because of his career experience and education he writes very convincingly. He also includes a glossary that includes some real scientific definitions and some that are created from his perspective. This makes reading the story more fun. I don't know which is real and which isn't, but Abraham manages to write in a way that it all makes sense.In this time travel story, Jack Jacobs and his sentient seeming supercomputer, Jennifer, have been traveling for some time in his space ship. It has a quantum gravity propulsion system that allows them to travel very quickly. When they arrive back on earth after one of their explorations, they discover that they are one hundred years in the past and when they try to fix it, they
keep going further and further back in time. To correct this problem, they have to journey to another distant galaxy where they find a device that appears to be responsible for the time dilations. Along the way, through the time changes, they also discover that history is changing itself.It was amusing to see that on one of its appearances back in time, the ship was assumed to be a UFO. Jack manages to make it disappear before any real harm is done.This is a great book for Sci-Fi purists. I would highly recommend it to a science fiction readers group. I also recommend it to people that enjoy science fiction stories that take place in space.

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