Saturday, July 21, 2012

Atlantis Was the Cause of the Fall of Man

At the time of Atlantis the thought-forms or sparks entering the animal bodies were a combination of both sexes; they had the qualities of both sexes in their make-up, but the animal bodies that they entered, (the cave men), were either male or female in one body. Therefore, there was both the male and female spark in the male animal body; and also the male and female spark both in the female animal body. There were fights like you wouldn't believe. There were perverse sexual acts taking place.This was the stage of Atlantis. It was a mess. Those animal men, or cave men, had no thought as far as anyone else went. Having both parts, male and female, in the same body made for not only very wise, knowledgeable, creative entities, but at the same time created many warped minds with twisted sexual appetites and weird sensational ways of appeasing them. In the same body were genius qualities and, at the same time, the most retarded in this one area of development, the sexual drive.
No one living today can imagine some of the things they thought to do with no feelings of right or wrong. There was no conscience of any kind working in the area of sex, and this area carried over to all phases of life in Atlantis. It covered every aspect and influenced every action.It was at this time that the sixth chakra, the third eye, developed. This sixth chakra was due in part to man's deviousness, cunning and manipulation, and also due to the disuse of the solar plexus. When they wanted to know what others were thinking they used their imagination to visualize what the other person was thinking, trying to second-guess each other. This led to day-dreaming and more visualization and imagination. This in turn led to the sixth center, the third eye.When this devious manipulation got carried too far, drastic action was needed, because humanity was at the point of destroying itself. Having both halves of the spark together was, indirectly, the cause of all that went wrong
in Atlantis, but was not seen as being the cause until one member of the Hierarchy took on a body. He descended into that nightmare, leaving his female half out of incarnation as an experiment to see if there was control available. It worked; more volunteered to experiment this way and the decision was made to start creation over in this manner.The Fall of Man It did not work for the two halves of one spark, the male and the female halves, to be in manifestation at the same time, as there was no control, no system of checks and balances. New rules and regulations were needed concerning the entering of bodies. Beginning at this time half of the divine spark was all that was allowed to enter the form. The other half had to stay on the inner planes and control the half that went into the body; therefore the rule was made that when the male half incarnated, the female did not. She stayed on the inner planes to help and guide the male half. When the female half was incarnated, th
e male half stayed on the inner planes. This was the fall of man referred to in the Bible, and was caused by the devious behavior of mankind at this time period, mostly deviation in sexual behavior.Powers Stripped from ManThe divine sparks were whole (male and female) until the powers were stripped from man with the restructuring of the human form. The split of the spark, that took place when it was determined that both parts of the entity were not to be allowed to surface on the earth at the same time is the story of Adam and Eve, the beginning of the Bible. The split of that divine spark into male and female halves was the redistribution of the vibrating atoms in the energy centers, the chakras, that took place before the flood of Noah.Noah and the ArkThe story of Noah and the Ark has not been as misinterpreted as most Biblical stories, but has not been considered from the angle of help from other planets. The earth was indeed shifting on its axis then as it will do again
soon. The rains that came then could not be prevented and Noah was commanded to build the ark by the space fathers. They didn't want to see eons of hard work be lost and have to start over.Noah was the one chosen to bring an experiment into fruition by preserving only his own family because his children were the first to be the split halves of the soul. But when it got closer to time, the space brothers realized that the animal kingdom was, indeed, also more evolved in Atlantis and needed to be saved. This was also part of Noah's task. He was to save a pair of each species so they could reproduce and the animal kingdom could continue as it was. The most advanced of the cave men and the most advanced of the animals were saved and creation was started over. (The Biblical story of Noah and the Ark.) They did indeed reach Egypt and the ark was torn apart, dismantled on purpose and burned as it was unusable for any purpose after that due to the droppings of the animals.There were
other survivors in other parts of the world but not in the particular area where Noah's flood took place. The inhabitants in the other parts of the world soon went back to the inner planes and when reincarnated, were also then split sparks. There were many of these floods throughout history. There will be another one soon. It is due to cataclysmic action of the earth.This was the time when Atlantis disappeared, the same way our west coast will go. The most evolved humans were in Atlantis at that time and the loss of this civilization would have been a major setback for planet earth. The people were removed over a period of fifty years or so.It is not true that the Atlanteans blew themselves up with solar power. They understood and used it correctly. The Atlanteans had the potential to misuse this power generated by the Crystal at Atlantis but the shift of the earth happened prior to any misuse. The world is at the same stage now. Man has the power to destroy himself, but th
e shift of the earth is at hand. Tales may be told later that the destruction to come was man made (nuclear) but, as with Atlantis, it will be the forces of nature, not man that determines the final outcome.

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