Monday, May 27, 2013

How to Cure Candida - Review

I was blown away with the depth of the information that Dean and Ryan have made accessible. When I got in touch with Dean and Ryan regarding a few queries I had, I found them to be approachable, compassionate and helpful with providing me with the information I was looking for. While chatting to Dean I was struck by how much he knew about yeast infections, which is even more apparent now that I've read their manuals.Dean and Ryan, the creators of these books definitely know their subject matter and ways to cure Candida. All the information is presented in such a way that it makes perfect sense and the advice is easy to follow. The remedies have been tried and tested, and a lot of analysis has been done so you KNOW it will work. You will learn how to cure Candida, both normal and chronic with long term treatment as well as the quick fix we all want, although it is important to note that there is no real quick fix for Chronic Yeast Infections. I am happy to recommend these book
s as I believe that even as a Chronic Yeast Infection sufferer you will find a respite and quite quickly too if you follow the suggestions given. Please note that it will take longer to completely cure Chronic Candida, and you should follow the recommendations as set out by Dean and Ryan.The first book, called "The Full Guide" includes food allergies, and of course Chronic Yeast Infections. Unfortunately it is true that if you are a Chronic Yeast Infection sufferer the chances are good that you will develop Leaky Gut Syndrome which in turn increases your chances exponentially for developing food allergies. This manual is paramount in discovering how you can permanently get rid of Thrush, even if its Chronic, in addition to allergies and Leaky Gut Syndrome.This purchase gives you four 'How to Cure Candida' books:1. How to Cure Candida - The Full GuideThis book covers topics such as what Thrush is, what causes it, and how you can cure it. It is a valuable resource and also con
tains fantastic information regarding healthy living and lifestyle choices.
What is Candida?

What is Candida Related Complex?

Causes of Yeast Infections

What kinds of Yeast Infection are there?

General signs

How it differs in men and women

How Yeast Infections threaten your well being

How do I get rid of it?

Do I have Thrush?

Drugs used for topical Candida and their side effects

Are medicines used to treat systemic Yeast Infections safe?

Allergies and Toxins

Leaky gut syndrome

How to cure your allergies

Healthy Lifestyle - health care, stress, EFT, Sleep, Exercise and Weight loss, Juicing, Water

5 Step Program to Completely Cure Thrush includes Diet, Supplements and Therapies, Cleansing Kidneys and Parasites, Removing Heavy Metals and Detox, and Flushing your Liver.
2. How to Cure Vaginal Yeast InfectionsThis second book centers entirely on how to treat and eradicate Vaginal Yeast Infections, featuring 11 treatments which are rapid, effortless and natural.
Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections

Symptoms of Vaginal and Chronic Yeast Infections

How should I treat Vaginal Thrush?

Pregnancy and Thrush and how to treat it.

You don't need antibiotics with these 6 alternative remedies.

Why prescription drugs need to be avoided

Lists of the effective prescription drugs and their effects

If you do choose prescription drugs (how to use them effectively and what to do to assist your body healing).

Natural remedies for Yeast Infections including many homeopathic remedies, yoghurt, and 3 more

3 levels of infection: Level 1 infection - 11 treatments, Level 2 infection - 14 treatments, Level 3 - 2 treatments. Level 3 is highest level of treatment but these are extreme.

Lifestyle and diet advice for Thrush.

Extra information regarding types of Thrush, including Babies, Oral, Nails and Skin.
3. How to Cure Male Yeast InfectionsThis book is devoted to Male Yeast Infections and the treatments thereof. Topics discussed are:
What is a Yeast Infection?

Chronic Yeast Infections

Causes of Candida and Male Yeast Infections


Natural alternatives to curing Genital Candida

The 3 levels of infection vary in intensity with 3 being the worst, and their treatment corresponds accordingly.

Anti-Candida /Anti-Thrush diet

A healthy lifestyle

Additional information of on Thrush affecting Babies, Skin, Oral and Nails
4. The Anti-Candida Diet CookbookThe basis in beating Yeast Infections lies in the Anti-Candida Diet. This is a proven and very necessary lifestyle adjustment if you have Chronic Candida or are potentially likely to develop it. It's awesome to have the diet revisited and made healthier and more tasty (the original Anti-Candida Diet can be really devoid of flavor and nutrition).
Top 10 reasons why people cannot eliminate Candida

Lifestyle considerations

Dietary changes

How long should you follow the Anti-Candida Diet?

Anti-Candida Wellness Tracking Chart

The Herxheimer or Die Off reaction

Anti-Candida Diet Quick Reference table

Foods to avoid

Foods to eat in moderation

Foods that are OK

Beginning the Anti-Candida Diet

Eating Organic
Considerations which influence the Diet

Ph Charting

Food sensitivities

Tests for food sensitivities

Leaky Gut syndrome

Food Combining

Improving Overall Digestion

Four day rotation diet

Would I buy this product? Absolutely! It's simple to use and understand and packed with remedies that are generally accessible. Besides providing you with the tools to be Thrush free, Ryan and Dean have incorporated a few additional therapies such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) into their books. I love these guys!

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