Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Coaching Tips - From Her Corner Office

Coaching sessions are kept confidential.Develop a list of potential books to review, topics to cover, and issues that might be of interest.Sharing tips from a book I reviewed in 2005 by Trudy Bourgeois, Her Corner Office while being the Business Coach Host & Writer at Bella.Identify and tap into every available resource. Don't wait for opportunities for exposure to come to you. Create them.The more diverse the resources, the richer the information and experience you'll gather.Listing of resources for your consideration:The local library, Books, The Internet, A buddy to brain storm ideas withYou might consider setting up a personal board of directors. A personal board of directors is a group of people that you have selected to be your advisors. This team of people should be carefully selected, based upon their character,values, principles and experience.Another option is to form a Mastermind Group. Mastermind Groups are composed of people who want to learn from each other.
These groups can be as small as six people or as large as twenty people.Develop a list of potential books to review, topics to cover, and issues that might be of interest.You will need a good mentor. A mentor can play a key role in your ongoing learning and development.You can get most out of your relationship with your mentor by: learning to listen, setting an agenda, don't think that a coach or mentor has all the answers and expect good things to come out of the relationship.In the last five years,many corporations have chosen to support their staff by using an outside coach.Potential results of using a coach: Increased knowledge, strategic - planning skill development, self-marketing and creating powerful connections.Coaching sessions are kept confidential.We are not certified nor do we represent medical, legal, financial or other certified professional services.I am sharing my knowledge and journey of 21st Century Learning and ideas.Sharing tips from a book I reviewed i
n 2005 by Trudy Bourgeois, Her Corner Office while being the Business Coach Host & Writer at Bella.

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