Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Mayan Prophecies: 2012 - The Message and The Vision by Gerald Benedict

This book describes the 21 Prophecies that Benedict has drawn from a variety of sources, mainly from the Chilam Balam Books. I will comment on the ones most relevant to 2012. Please note that these Prophecies do not predict the end of the world.The Maya are of interest as we approach 2012 because a) December 21, 2012 is the end of their Long Count calendar and b) sunrise on that date marks the end of the cycle of the precession with an alignment of the Sun and the Milky Way, which happens only every 26,000 years.The most important role of the Chilam Balam, the jaguar priests or shamans, was prophecy. These priests received their prophecies in a trance. Shamans were the mediums between the material and spiritual world. They were connected to the jaguars because these animals could roam between night and day, thus representing the idea of journeying between the two worlds.Some of the Prophecies:1) The Emergence of Contemporary Mayan Masters and TeachersThe emergence of these te
achers is to help people acquire "cosmic wisdom." Not all of the teachers will be Maya, however, but will represent all religions, cultures, and ages and will be concerned with problems from a materialistic education, the negative influences of technology, and our separation from nature.2) The Return to Mayan Ceremonial Sites This refers to the need to recover our awareness of and sensitivity to places with spiritual energy and knowledge in our current environment not just in designated places. This relates to the discussion on energies mentioned in Barrios' book above.3) The Return of a Supreme BeingThis predicted return is not the return of the ancient god Quetzalcoatl, also called Kukulcan, but a time when each of us becomes divine with new knowledge. We are Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan. The point is to seek connection and union with the divine. This is similar to the Second Coming that many Christians expect. Is it possible that this Second Coming, or return of a supreme bei
ng, is very different from what is currently believed by many? Is it possible that this return is similar to the Mayan view that each of us is becoming aware of our own divinity? Is it possible that we are all more closely aligned in our views that once thought?4) Galactic SynchronizationThis means the Earth and other planets of the solar system will be in alignment with a point in the Milky Way. This marks the beginning of a new world age.5) Transition to a New AgeRelated to the Prophecy above, the 5th Mayan world is coming to an end in 2012. Other cultures have similar 4 or 5 different worlds, each time a new phase starting after the completion of the previous one. This is not an end of the world, but an end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.6) The Unity of MankindRaces, religions and classes will be drawn together.7) The Recovered MemoryThis period is referred to as the "great forgetting" but the new time coming will be when we will remember and gain a wisdom abou
t the universe.8) The Destruction of Earth and Earth changesThis is a time of earthquakes and volcanoes, huge winds and storms. There will be no sudden end of the world but local, natural catastrophes will occur. Of course, we are seeing such disasters already in 2011 in many parts of the world. The effects of the energy won't wait until December, 2012.9) Transcending Technology Does today's technology contribute to the quality of life? While the Internet connects us, has it gone too far as we tend to worship it as the answer to life? Has technology become an excuse to create a more separate, material life allowing no alone time? This prophecy talks of our need to reconnect with nature and not allow technology to control us.10) TimeWe must change the way we view time. 3-dimensional space and linear time are too limiting. This is not the end of time, but the end of our current way of thinking about time. There is a problem with linear time. We need to see it differently and r
econnect with natural cycles, or natural time. Mayans were obsessed with time and measuring time, especially long cycles, and their ability to do this remains a mystery.Benedict provides dates and history of the Mayan Civilization, beginning with Preclassic 2000BCE - 250CE, Classic 250CE - 900 CE and Postclassic 900-1520. The photographs of the Mayan ruins and art are spectacular, along with the illustrations. There is also detailed explanation of the calendars. The majority of the book is a discussion of 21 Prophecies. He has also written a second book called The Maya 2012: The end of the world or the dawn of enlightenment? that further discusses the prophecies.This book does not resolve the question of 2012, but Benedict provides valuable research and data to help lead to some answers.

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