Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Shallows - What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains

The new electronic world in which we are living in is where everyone can gain access to every type of information at the click of a mouse. No need to go to the library and spend hours reading through every reference cited. General topic teachers are becoming less useful, only specialist teachers in the future will probably survive this brave new world.
Is this constant exposure to electronic stimuli good for us?
Are we able to use all this information?
Are we swapping deep understanding for shallow distractions?These thoughts are answered in Nicholas Carr's book, The Shallows.Nicholas Carr believes that the internet is having a huge impact on our behavior. The constant exposure to fast data and the new "multitasking" culture may be changing the way our brains are wired. This alteration is because of the inherent ability of the brain to rewire its connections based on different processes and stimuli. As a result this may affect our abilities to retain and absorb the knowledge and information that we used to acquire through reading or story telling. The author brings a lot of research to back up his claims which makes this book a very interesting read for all.Mr Carr accepts the fact that technology is now a dominant force that has both positive and negative aspects. The internet is a remarkably useful tool to find information, the downside of this is that we are not required to exercise our brains in doing so. He argues tha
t we need deep analysis and some mental exercise to achieve the best results, a great perspective of this internet issue that no one else is talking about. The Shallows is a fascinating exploration delving into philosophy, neuroscience, history and the inevitable consequences of this new revolutionary Internet based world.

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